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Holland Taylor & Sarah Paulson won cutest couple at Critics’ Choice Awards

Without a doubt, one of the cutest couples in Hollywood right now is Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor. These women have been each other’s biggest cheerleaders since they first started dating. They’ve often used social media to vocalize their support, and honestly, it is a truly beautiful thing to witness. Can you say #relationshipgoals?

During the Critics’ Choice Awards tonight, Taylor was once again cheering on her other half from New York City. Taylor tweeted out a photo showing herself in the middle of setting up her Apple TV so that she could watch the awards ceremony. She tweeted along with the photo, “Takin’ care of bidness so I’ll be able to watch @CriticsChoice awards and see my DARLING @MsSarahPaulson be beautiful all the way from NY!”

More:Holland Taylor & Sarah Paulson dating shouldn’t come as a surprise (PHOTOS)

Naturally, Paulson did not miss a beat in voicing her simultaneous affection and longing for her girlfriend. Amanda Peet may have been on her arm at the awards show, but Paulson was able to tweet out, “#CriticsChoiceAwards with my one only #amandapeet and this what our car looks like right now. Missing @HollandTaylor.” Sure, Peet was a game award show date; it’s undeniable, though, that Taylor would have been a great date for Paulson’s big night.

More:Sarah Paulson & Holland Taylor are the greatest love story of our time

This relationship is just too perfect. I don’t think I’ve come across a couple as supportive and happy for one another’s successes as Taylor and Paulson. Have you? These women are not only ridiculously talented, but it’s very clear that they are one another’s biggest fans.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below.

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