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Ariana Grande’s rant against catcalling is so very perfect

If you are a woman, then you’ve probably, at some point in your life, had some random dude think that it was OK to shout/whistle/hoot/holler at you while you’re out in public.

Turns out, celebrities are not immune.

More: SNL and Ariana Grande hilariously bail on being feminists (VIDEO)

Ariana Grande took to Twitter on Wednesday to recount an incident that happened while she was out with her boyfriend.

According to her post, while getting some food with her boyfriend, rapper Mac Miller, a man began following them and saying that he was a big Miller fan. Grande was flattered by the compliments from the “young boy” until the man turned his attentions on Grande, reportedly stating, “Ariana is sexy as hell man I see you, I see you hitting that!!!”

To that, Grande says in her post, “Hitting that? the fuck?? This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but I felt sick and objectified. I was also sitting right there when he said it. I’ve felt really quiet and hurt since that moment. Things like that happen all the time and are the kinds of moments that contribute to women’s sense of fear and inadequacy.” 

More:I can’t hold it in anymore — I have to call Ariana Grande out for her bad attitude

“I am not a piece of meat that a man gets to utilize for his pleasure,” Grande added. “I’m an adult human being in a relationship with a man who treats me with love and respect.”

Here, here!

You can read Grande’s whole note below.
Personally, I am mad on Grande’s behalf. As a woman, as a human being, no one should ever have to feel like a piece of meat. No one should ever feel degraded to the point of losing her voice.

More: Ariana Grande is taking heat over her “vulgar” photo with boyfriend Mac Miller

Grande put it perfectly, “We need to talk about these moments openly because they are harmful and they live on inside of us as shame.”

People, especially men, need to be educated that speaking to a woman in this manner is never, ever acceptable. We as a society should reject this behavior completely.

Have you experienced catcalling? Do you think more celebrities like Grande should speak out?

Before you go, check out our slideshow below.

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