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Jimmy Kimmel Tries to Laugh Away the Weirdness of Oscars Envelopegate

Bless Jimmy Kimmel‘s sweet little heart. At least he’s out here trying to do the right thing and explain what went down with that pesky Oscars envelope at the end of the Oscars.

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Kimmel explained Envelopegate from his perspective on his late-night talk show on Monday and was able to elicit some laughs about the whole crazy event. But it was kind of weird watching Kimmel try to explain away the mishap of the night (and that’s really what it was) if only because it felt like he was beating a dead horse with his coverage of the event.

“Clyde threw Bonnie under the bus,” Kimmel joked, referring to the iconic roles played by Best Picture presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway. Kimmel also let us in on his mindset while it was all going down. “I’m standing there like an idiot feeling bad for these guys, but also trying really hard not to laugh, to be honest,” which is totally fair because who wouldn’t want to laugh away the pain?

By that point in the day, there had been plenty of coverage of Envelopegate on various news outlets. A PricewaterhouseCoopers executive canceled an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper right before he was supposed to go on and discuss what happened. Tons of people had taken potshots on Twitter (I’m sure you saw a few floating around) and Facebook. Think pieces popped up about the politics of the Best Picture Oscar handover from La La Land to Moonlight and who the real hero was. Suddenly, envelopes were the enemy of the nation and we no longer trusted our shared reality. Yikes.

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All right, so I’m getting a bit hyperbolic there at the end, but the fallout of Envelopegate was insane. It was really the only thing many of us could talk about the morning after the Oscars, which is totally understandable. Kimmel probably did the right thing in trying to cut out some of the awkwardness, but in the end, he may have only ended up making things a bit weirder.

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As for me, I’m still madly celebrating Moonlight‘s win, and well, yeah I’m still watching that crazy Oscars moment on repeat. Can you blame me?

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