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Which Major Character on The Walking Dead Will Die Next in the Negan Battle?

It’s been a minute since someone died on The Walking Dead, and as we all know, that’s all it takes. Season 7 started off on a devastating note with the deaths of Glenn and Abe, but then we were given a brief reprieve until mid-season — when Olivia and Spencer were taken out in the same episode.

And this week, we bid adieu to poor Benjamin and Richard-with-the-bad-judgment. These deaths were shocking, sure, and Benjamin’s even stung a little. But mostly, they struck fear into our hearts because we know even greater losses are coming.

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With the battle to bring down Negan heating up, it’s only a matter of time before another major character goes. But who will it be?

No matter what happens and to whom, suffice it to say it will suck. No one likes seeing a survivor die. OK, fine… admittedly, it wasn’t the worst when Spencer got his guts spilled by Negan. But for the most part, it’s always sad to see someone’s light extinguished in this already dark world.

Because it seems to temper the sting a bit if we feel like we’re prepared, here’s a look at who could go next — in order from least to most likely.

15. Jesus

This guy kind of gets a bye since (a) he’s technically still a tertiary character and we’ve lost plenty of those thus far this season and (b) we just don’t want him to die. Kthxbye.

14. Rick

C’mon. They’re not gonna kill off Rick. He’s kind of the crux of the show, y’know? That’s not to say he’ll never die, but it’s highly unlikely he’ll go down before Negan falls out of power.

13. Carl

The poor kid has been through so much already. He’s due a little mercy from TWD gods (aka Scott M. Gimple and Greg Nicotero). There was a time we all kind of wished he’d get eaten, but he’s grown on us.

12. Maggie

Maggie is poised to become the leader of Hilltop. Besides, she has lost nearly everyone she loves. Let’s be real: Like Carl, she falls under the umbrella of “people who’ve had too much shit heaped on them already.”

11. Negan

Yes, the whole goal of the uprising is to take Negan out. But if the comic series is to be trusted, Negan doesn’t actually get killed — rather, he gets taken out of power and imprisoned by Rick and his crew.

10. Morgan

Morgan just got interesting again. He can’t go anywhere! In fact, Morgan may now become more interesting than he has been in years because he’s back to being the rage-filled Morgan we only really knew in the very beginning of the zombocalypse.

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9. Eugene

Whether Eugene is pretending to be loyal to Negan to save his own ass or all the perks Negan has thrown at him have truly converted him, this chameleon currently has everyone convinced he is an invaluable member of Team Negan.

8. Tara

There’s really nothing pointing toward Tara being in any direct danger for the time being. And since she is the only person who knows about the Oceanside Community and the potential firepower-slash-reinforcements there, it seems likely she’ll live long enough to bring that to light.

7. Aaron

Aaron’s name gets tossed around a lot on the interwebz when it comes to potential casualties, but he actually survives the war with Negan in the comic series. I see him being someone who could be really instrumental should Rick get injured or sidelined, so I’m keeping the faith.

6. Father Gabriel

Despite the fact that Gabriel seems to be doing and saying all the right things lately, I trust him about as far as I can throw him — and, truth be told, I lack any upper body strength. Odds are good he either goes down doing something shady or surprises the hell out of us by sacrificing himself for the greater good.

5. Ezekiel

The only way I can imagine Ezekiel being killed is if his death serves as a catalyst for Carol. They obviously care deeply for each other (in a platonic way, at the very least), so his murder could certainly cause Carol to return to her badass roots.

4. Carol

Speaking of Carol, the fact that she has had so little screen time this season is still a bit nerve-wracking. Are they trying to phase her out? She told Daryl that if she went back to her old ways and kept killing, she would cease to be. Could that have been a coded hint at her upcoming demise? Let’s hope not.

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3. Daryl

No one — and I mean no one — wants to see anything happen to Daryl. The ensuing riots that have been foretold would cause a ripple in the space-time continuum. But since Ride with Norman Reedus was picked up for at least one more season, it’s possible he could leave to pursue other opportunities. Still, it would be a low blow indeed if TWD took Glenn and Daryl from us in the same season.

2. Rosita

At this point, Rosita is basically trying to get killed, so there’s that.

1. Sasha

Sasha is a woman with nothing to lose, which is a dangerous place to be personally — hence her accepting Rosita’s invitation to join the kamikaze mission to kill Negan. Not to mention, by now we all know that Sonequa Martin-Green (who plays Sasha) landed a starring role in CBS All Access’ Star Trek: Discovery.

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