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Game of Thrones‘ Season 7 Trailer May Have Just Confirmed Daenerys’ Plotline

The new Game of Thrones trailer is feeding us little details about what’s to come in Season 7. Though it may have only been a minute and a half long, it is chock-full of questions that date to the beginnings of Westeros. Hold on to your hats as we navigate through the significance.

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Really, Daenerys is the only character who matters in the trailer. Jon is walking toward his seat in the North. Cersei is walking toward the Iron Throne. But where is Daenerys going? What seat does she take? Where does she land in Westeros?

Since the show is now past the books, not even George R.R. Martin has given us these answers, so we’re left to piece together the clues on our own.

For this one, there are two distinct possibilities.

First, Daenerys could have landed at Griffin’s Roost just south of Storm’s End, the ancestral seat of the Baratheon House.

This is where her potential nephew, Aegon, lands in the books. Aegon was reportedly killed in Robert’s Rebellion, but in the books, there is someone claiming to be Aegon gathering an army at Griffin’s Roost. If Daenerys has heard this rumor, she will no doubt head to meet her maybe-relative. This could go down two ways. One, she roasts him in dragon fire and kills him. Or two, she roasts him in dragon fire and he lives because he is really a Targaryen. I’m guessing he’s an impostor and we’ll get another badass Daenerys death. Or the show will choose to leave this plot out altogether. If the man claiming to be Aegon really is Aegon, then he technically has a claim to the throne over Daenerys, which means the show would just get even more complicated.

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Given these facts, I’m saying Daenerys’ landing option No. 2 is more likely. She could have landed at Dragonstone, her ancestral home. It was the first place the Targaryens ever landed in Westeros and it’s within striking distance of King’s Landing, which means she could be planning an attack against Cersei first.

Dragonstone is also where Daenerys was taken when Aerys (her father, the Mad King) was killed in Robert’s Rebellion.

If she does land in Dragonstone, Cersei and Daenerys may go head-to-head before Daenerys ever meets her now-confirmed nephew, Jon Snow, though Daenerys and Jon will definitely meet in Season 7 at some point. I hope her dragons try to touch him just so we can see him live through it and realize he’s a Targaryen. A son of fire and ice. Huh. How interesting is that?

Is your head spinning yet?

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Check out the full teaser trailer below.

Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres July 16 on HBO.

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