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Whaboom Guy Isn’t Only a Terrible Bachelorette Contestant, He’s a Bad Person

If you watched even a little bit of Monday’s premiere episode of The Bachelorette, you don’t need me to tell you that Lucas Yancey, aka the Whaboom guy, is the actual worst.

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He’s obnoxious (and not even in the entertaining-for-TV way), cocky and clearly not there to woo Rachel Lindsay, who is an angel and deserves nothing but the best. It took all the other guys in the house approximately 3.4 seconds to ascertain that Yancey might not be there for “the right reasons,” and his Instagram pretty much confirms that.

It shows him as an aspiring actor whose Bachelorette run is at least his second stint on reality TV. There’s always that one who’s just in it to be on TV, but we never expect to pick him out the second he steps out of the limo. Then again, most of them don’t come wearing a T-shirt screen-printed with their own catchphrase.

Yancey’s Instagram also reveals something else, though: that he’s kind of a giant dick. BuzzFeedcombed through the guy’s feed and found a super-douchey, body-shaming post from June 2015. He appears to have deleted it since the internet caught wind, but Yancey, honey, this is why God gave us screen shots.

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The post shows the front page of People magazine featuring plus-size supermodel Tess Holliday. In the caption, Yancey wrote, “This probably should help #McDonalds stock go up. Being fat is the new thin. Who cares about #diabetes.”

In the comments, Yancey doubled down on being an asshole, responding to a friend’s comment about being surprised he wasn’t getting “most shit” for the post by writing, “Bring on the shit. I’m sure this cover chick has a lot of it.”

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Yancey made it through Week 1 by scoring Lindsay’s final rose of the night, which I’m sure Lindsay gave him of her own accord under no pressure from producers at all. Here’s hoping he keeps acting like a complete moron and gets sent home ASAP.

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