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Andy Cohen Thinks President Trump Is Acting Like a Real Housewife

If you thought Real Housewives was just a reality show and not really reality, well, Donald Trump is probably making you realize right about now that there are actually people in this world who are rich, entitled, ready to jump at drama and just downright mean.

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Just in case you didn’t make the connection before between the president and your trashy television obsession, Andy Cohen is here to help you fill in the blanks.

In case you missed it, Trump had this to say about journalist Mika Brzezinski this week on Twitter.

It all started when Brzezinski, co-host of the show Morning Joe, accused the White House of using a National Enquirer hit piece to attempt to coerce the hosts of the show into covering Trump more favorably.

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Instead of responding with dignity like a respectable human being, the president decided to go low and comment on Brzezinski’s looks. Because, as we’ve learned with this president, he loves a good shock tactic to deflect from the real issue at hand: His office tried to coerce the free press to influence its coverage. This from the man who calls the New York Times “fake news” every chance he gets. Seems just a little hypocritical, no? And by a little, I mean a lot. Like, the epitome of hypocritical.

This isn’t the first time Cohen has drawn parallels between Trump and the Housewives. In fact, it’s one of his favorite topics as of late. He even offered Kellyanne Conway a spot on the show if she got tired of doling out her “alternative facts” crap to the masses. I think she’d be a perfect addition.

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As for Trump, it would be really nice if he focused on something other than a woman’s looks. If he put this much energy into actually trying to do some good, like, I dunno, improving American lives, he would probably make a real difference. Wouldn’t that be nice.

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