Well, well, well… Look who’s giving us vacation envy. It’s Chrissy Teigen, of course.
This time, it’s for her beautiful, lavish vacation to Bali with her husband, John Legend, and baby, Luna. The last few weeks, the family took a wellness retreat to the Indonesian island to spend time enjoying the tropical atmosphere and gaining a sense of balance back according to Teigen.
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On Saturday, the model and Lip Sync Battle host posted a photo on Instagram with a caption explaining her time there. “We had the most beautiful, wonderful time in Bali. Como Shambhala, my body and mind have never felt so clear. Thank you for getting me to move again (first time since I was 8 months pregnant and Luna is ummmm 15 months old) and giving me some much-needed body and nutrition schooling! And thank you for dressing us in your beautiful, traditional ceremonial costumes! And don’t worry, everyone. I still love me some .99 two tacos. Balance! #notbeingpaidtosaythis.”
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Teigen also posted about trying aerial yoga and meditation, adding on July 7 that she couldn’t help but laugh during the quiet moments. “Update: wellness retreat going well. I feel very well. Living amongst the monkeys and trying so hard to not laugh during meditation chants. Meditation dr was like ‘fly high into the skyyyy up up up’ and I was like where am I flying out of do get to pick the airport because I ha…in other words, I really cannot relax.”
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So, yeah. While we relate to her lack of focus when it’s time to relax (a little too much), the difference between her first posts of the retreat and her more recent are stark. Any trip that includes personal growth and family time is a trip worth taking, especially when it’s in Bali.
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Live your best life, girlfriend. We’ll try to keep up.
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