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Bachelor Nation Turned on Bryan Last Night & These Were the Harshest Tweets

There’s something about The Bachelorette‘s Bryan that just always seems… disingenuous. It’s not just that he’s over-the-top and cheesy with his feelings; it’s that he sometimes comes across as rehearsed.

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Well, those feelings of “Is this guy for real?” finally came to a head tonight on the show when Rachel’s family also questioned Bryan’s sincerity.

They grilled that boy with all sorts of questions, and the tension in the room was real. Sure, Bryan handled it all like a used car salesman, meaning he managed to make it through. But at the end, the Twitterverse still wondered if Rachel and her family were getting conned.

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And they didn’t hold back with their #feels.

https://<a href="" id="auto-tag_twitter_1" data-tag="twitter">twitter</a>.com/rabblues/status/889654186853486593

Meanwhile, while everyone is keeping their fingers crossed that Rachel doesn’t end up with Bryan, the world fell in love with Eric during the episode. He was so damn cute and honest! And that smile. And his nerves. It’s too much adorableness, and I’m devastated Rachel is going to tear his heart to shreds… because, come on, we know it’s gonna happen. (Cue my heart breaking right along with him.) 

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I’m not sure what to make of the season at this point. Because add all of the above to the weirdness with Peter at the end of the episode, and I have no idea where this season finale is heading. I mean, we know Rachel is engaged… so I’m guessing it ends with Bryan. Sorry, Twitterverse.

Who do you think Rachel should pick at this point in The Bachelorette?

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