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Monday Is The Bachelorette: Men Tell All & We Need to Know These 11 Things

Heading into The Men Tell All on Monday, the only person Bachelor Nation really seems interested in hearing from is Dean. The rest of the guys can really just go jump in a lake. Not interested.
All of the drama this season was honestly just annoying, especially when it came to the Whaboom guy, Lucas. I’m totally fine never hearing from that guy again. And Kenny and Lee dug their own graves.

But what will get Bachelor Nation going during The Men Tell All is questions about what the heck is coming up next on the show. Last week’s episode ended on a major cliffhanger between Peter and Rachel. Plus, we didn’t even get to see Bryan’s fantasy suite date.

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Here are the burning questions we have heading into The Men Tell All.

1. Why are there three suitors left?

I’m assuming the finale will start with the end to the Peter drama. Then we’ll go into Bryan’s overnight, then a rose ceremony where Rachel will send a guy (I’m guessing Eric) home. But then we have the whole finale to get to. Why the heck would producers choose to make it such a muddled episode with three guys left? Does this mean there’s a serious curve ball a’comin’? Or is this just clever editing again?

2. Will we even see Bryan’s fantasy suite date?

We have to, right? Especially since he’s probably, most likely, going to be the winner at the end of all this.

I mean… we all know how it goes down…

3. How is this finale going to play out?

Again, it seems like there’s so much that has to happen in the show from now until the proposal that I have no idea how the show is planning on editing all of these details down. I’m back to the curve ball question. This might be the most unconventional finale we’ve ever seen on the show.

4. Will Dean be the next Bachelor?

Fans have some serious love for this guy and, if Peter isn’t looking to get engaged, the job might fall into Dean’s lap. Even if Rachel decides to pick fan favorite Peter over Bryan (let’s be real, Eric’s not gonna win her heart in the end… *sad face*), Bryan doesn’t have much Bachelor love right now. It’s either going to be Peter or Dean. Will we get some hints?
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5. Will Rachel discuss her need for a ring?

Rachel flat-out tells the guys in the promo for the finale that she wants a ring, which is a problem for Peter, who isn’t ready to make that life commitment after only knowing Rachel for six weeks. I can see both sides of the argument here, but in the end, not gonna lie, I end up on Peter’s side. An engagement isn’t “Hey, let’s get to know each other better.” It’s “Let’s plan a wedding.” But I do understand Rachel wants the rock to signify a bigger commitment. We know she has a rock, so did Peter cave or did she pick Bryan? Will Rachel try to throw us off her winner?

6. Will DeMario talk BIP?

I’m less interested in DeMario’s girlfriend drama and more interested in whether he’ll address all the Bachelor in Paradise drama. I mean, the guy was accused of sexual assault and then the accusations were just dropped, just like that. I don’t think he’s necessarily the best of dudes, but I also don’t think anyone deserves false accusations as serious as the charges leveled against DeMario.

7. What will Rachel say to DeMario?

I’m so interested to see Rachel and DeMario come face-to-face — again, not because the drama on the show really interests me but because so much has happened with Bachelor in Paradise.
How can the show not address the elephant in the room?

8. Can Whaboom please just not speak?

Need I say more? I don’t want to hear from this guy. At all.

9. Same question, but for Lee

Lee did enough talking on the show. Maybe he could work on his listening skills.

10. Is Kenny embarrassed by the way he acted on the show?

Kenny had a downward spiral into his feud with Lee, and it didn’t leave him looking like a guy who handles adversity appropriately. Will he address his meltdown?

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11. What will Rachel have to say to Dean?

She told the guy she was falling in love with him and then sent him packing. How will she justify that decision? Will Dean be understanding? Wait, I take that question back. Of course Dean will be understanding. He’s Dean.

What is the biggest question you need answered in The Men Tell All?

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