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How to Shut Down Transphobic Haters, as Taught by Blake Lively

This has been a rough week for the LGBTQ community, following President Donald Trump‘s tweets saying trans people would be barred from serving in the United States military in any capacity.

But in the face of that, many have stepped up to show support for the LGBTQ community, including Blake Lively, who posted a touching message of inclusion to Instagram alongside a photo of soldiers marching with a rainbow Pride flag.
“THIS is America. WE the people. ALL THE PEOPLE,” she wrote in the caption. “Today I stand with our fellow citizens. No human being is a burden. I believe in equality. In freedom. In opportunity. In kindness, acceptance, and fairness. I believe in this country, so I, and many others, sign the petition linked in the bio. Please join us.”

The post got well over half a million likes, but naturally, because this is the internet, it brought out some trolls. One of them wrote that Lively’s stance had lost her a fan.

“You catching that unfollow for this,” the comment read.

Lively, though, wasn’t backing down. She personally responded to that comment, writing, “I choose love. That’s the only thing that we all have. It is peace. It is happiness. Not follows or unfollows. I wish happiness for you. And I hope you find that your heart has a bigger capacity than you give it credit for. I know it does.”

And that’s how you show support without sinking to the level of an internet troll. All the praise hands for Blake Lively.

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