Although Gwyneth Paltrow has, on more than one occasion, been accused of being pretentious and polarizing, the reality is that the actress is just brutally honest. While that kind of honesty isn’t always easy to hear, it is kind of refreshing, right?
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Whether she’s waxing poetic on Goop about a ridiculously indulgent beauty treatment or talking about how wine helped her get through the toddler years with her kids, Paltrow never pulls any punches. It’s not something you can say about just anyone, and certainly not about many people in the PR-driven world of Hollywood.
In celebration of Paltrow’s upcoming 44th birthday, we’ve pulled some of the outspoken star’s best quotes ever. Here’s to you, Gwynnie! Keep on keepin’ it real, girl.
On being present
“If I make my kids something delicious and we sit down to eat it, and I put my phone away and I really listen, that is such money in the bank,” Paltrow shared with Self in 2016.
On bacon
“I’m not sure how healthy bacon is in general,” she shared in My Father’s Daughter, “but I know it’s incredibly delicious.”
On marriage
“I asked my dad once, ‘How did you and Mom stay married for 33 years?’ And he said, ‘Well, we never wanted to get divorced at the same time,'” she told Refinery29. “And I think that’s what happens… when two people throw in the towel at the same time, then you break up, but if one person’s saying, ‘Come on, we can do this,’ you carry on.”
On hanging with Queen Bey
“Beyoncé’s like, ‘OK. The singing is great. But you’re not having any fun,'” Paltrow said. “She’s like, ‘Remember when we were at Jay’s concert and Panjabi MC comes on and you do your crazy Indian dance? Do that. Be you!'”
On her ideal last meal — and dealing with the toddler years
“Oysters and cocktail sauce, and then a baked, stuffed lobster and french fries. I would have a baguette and a cheese course for my dessert, and red wine,” she said. “I drank like crazy [when the kids were babies]. How else could I get through my day?”
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On making time for yourself
“At first, I was lying there [on a massage table], like, ‘What am I doing? What am I not doing?’ But then I thought, ‘Can you take one hour? It’s not like you’re doing this every day.’ So I really let everything go,” she told Self. “And after, I thought, I wish I could get to this place every day, at least for a little while.”
On craving time with her kids
“I’ll probably get kicked out of our school for admitting this, but I let Apple stay home yesterday. I just needed to be with her. We went out to lunch, we went to the beauty salon, we were together,” she told Good Housekeeping in 2011.
On being authentic
“I am who I am. I can’t pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year,” she now-infamously once said.
On finding inner peace in nature
“I’ll never forget it. I was starting to hike up the red rocks, and honestly, it was as if I heard the rock say, ‘You have the answers. You are your teacher,'” she revealed. “I thought I was having an auditory hallucination.”
On one of her favorite food memories
“I had my first bowl of gazpacho when I was 15 in Spain, and the impression it made was a lasting one,” she said in My Father’s Daughter.
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On balance
“You know, I use organic products, but I get lasers. It’s what makes life interesting, finding the balance between cigarettes and tofu,” she memorably told Harper’s Bazaar.
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