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Sophie Turner Is Defending the Stranger Things Kids on This Important Issue

The kids who star in Netflix‘s Stranger Things have definitely achieved superstar status. The show is one of Netflix’s most highly viewed and talked-about shows in years, and a lot of that success is because of its incredibly talented cast of kids.

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But child stars who shoot suddenly to fame certainly don’t have an easy road. There have already been callouts about people sexualizing the young teen stars of Stranger Things on Twitter and Tumblr. And now, Game of Thrones actor Sophie Turner is calling out more people in a series of tweets asking that those kids be allowed to just be kids even though they’re famous.

Turner shot to fame when she landed the role of Sansa Stark at just 13. Now 21, she took to Twitter to defend 14-year-old Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike in Stranger Things, after a tweet went viral criticizing him for not stopping to talk to fans waiting outside his hotel.

“Damn… seeing fully grown adults wait outside the ‘Stranger Things’ kids’ hotels etc , and then abuse them when they don’t stop for them… Is super weird,” Turner wrote. “A. What adult in their right mind waits for a CHILD outside their hotel and B is then is offended when the CHILD doesn’t stop[?] It doesn’t matter if they are an actor… they are kids first. Give them the space they need in order to grow without feeling like they owe… Anyone anything for living their childhood dreams.”

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Several hours after that series of tweets, she added more.

“Oh and ps,” she wrote. “Imagine.. you, a parent, walking with your 13 year old son/daughter and seeing a fully grown adult pointing their camera phone .. .. at your kid. You would do anything you could to delete that persons photograph, and remove your child from that situation as soon as .. .. you could. It doesn’t matter if that child happens to be an actor and consented to a professional film crew capturing their moves when .. .. in character.. That does NOT mean that this child consented to being followed around with a camera in their face. I don’t care if it ‘Comes with the job’. It doesn’t.”
She continued, “And how dare you shun and demean that child when they don’t pose for an adult strangers photograph or walk over and talk to them when they .. .. take that NOT CONSENTED FOR photo. Doesn’t that go against everything we teach our children anyway? Pshhhh. Some people man.”
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She’s got a point. People, lay off child stars. They don’t owe you a single thing. They’re just kids trying to navigate growing up, which is hard enough without grown folks being assholes to them.

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