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Kim Kardashian West & Kanye West Declared Their Love on Instagram on Valentine’s Day

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, celebrity couples choose to celebrate it just like the rest of us — and that includes sending super-sweet, romantic, thoughtful messages over social media. Who can resist the allure of declaring your love for someone else in public or reminding your friends and family you’re more in love than ever before with your significant other? Nobody, I tell you. Nobody! And that included Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West.

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Kardashian West and West stayed true to form this Valentine’s Day by posting sweet yet simple yet very public messages to one another that somehow managed to indicate everything and nothing about what these two were planning to do for this love-filled holiday.

For his part, West chose to reactivate his Instagram after being away from the social media platform for nearly a year. It looks like love is the only thing on the menu for the rapper, because, since he reactivated his account, he has spent the entire time posting photos of celebrity couples he presumably likes or admires. It’s actually pretty cute if you ask me.

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But the post that kicked off this new era on West’s Instagram was the ‘gram he intended his darling wife to see. The post is admittedly pretty simple and arguably kinda lackluster, but it’s the thought that counts, right? West posted a photo of a plain white card that said, “Happy Valentine’s Day Babe” on the front, but sadly, we didn’t get to see what was on the inside of the card. West also stayed on brand with simplicity by not adding a caption — not even a heart emoji! — to the photo. Do you, Yeezy. Do you.

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Kardashian West chose to get a little more expressive with her Valentine’s Day Instagram. Posting an older photo in which West’s head is slightly cut off and she appears to be looking downward, the photo is definitely very cute and a nice shorthand for expressing her love for her husband. Of course, she kept her caption quick, simple and emoji-less too, writing, “I love you to infinity! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!”
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You’ve gotta hand it to these two. When they want to go OTT, they definitely can, but they also really nail keeping it sweet and simple when they want to. Happy Valentine’s Day, you two.

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