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This Is Why Chrissy Teigen Is Still Chrissy Teigen & Not ‘Chrissy Legend’

Chrissy Teigen is pretty well known for being a Twitter clapback queen. Her quick, dry humor definitely lends itself to a platform like Twitter, and she’s known by her followers for responding even to people she doesn’t follow — us normals, if you will.

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So when she saw this viral tweet…

…asking, “I’d really like to hear the reasoning behind women who won’t take their husband’s last name,” Teigen was ready with the most perfectly hilarious response.

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It’s true — John Legend‘s real name is John Roger Stephens. That’s why Luna (and the coming baby boy) have the last name “Stephens,” something the internet was very confused about when it first found out. We can sort of see why he went with “Legend.” It’s a little more unique and memorable.

While Teigen’s response was witty and hilarious, others who responded to the original tweet were quick to point out that there are a ton of reasons why a woman might not take her husband’s last name. It’s long been tradition in many Western cultures for women to take their husband’s last name after marriage; that started in ninth-century England when laws were written concerning families and parenthood and there needed to be a way to identify all the members of a single legal family. But in modern times, it’s not seen as necessary anymore. It’s 2018, after all, and women can make whatever choices are right for them and their lives. We’re sure Teigen agrees.
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In fact, maybe Teigen is onto something. Maybe it should be the new tradition to just choose a new name for both parties. It clearly worked for her and Stephens Legend.

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