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Jason & Brittany Aldean Threw the Sweetest Gender-Reveal Party

On July 10, country star Jason Aldean and his wife, Brittany Kerr Aldean, announced they are expecting their second child together. On Sunday, Aldean took to Instagram to reveal the expected sex of their second baby with a video that’s especially sweet.

More: Roll Call: Celebrity Babies of 2017

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As reported by People, Aldean’s video starts with Kerr Aldean asking his daughters from a previous marriage whether they think their new sibling will be a boy or a girl. Both Kendyl, 10, and Keeley, 15, voted girl. The former’s logic? Because Aldean and Kerr Aldean’s first child, Memphis, is a boy.

“I’m going to go with girl just because you’ve been a little bit sicker with this one than with Memphis,” Keeley said. When Aldean asked Memphis for a vote, the baby simply grunted and reached for the camera.

“Jason and I already know what it is, so this is just for the girls, to see their excitement,” Kerr Aldean said in the video.

For the reveal itself, Aldean and Kerr Aldean pitched powder-filled baseballs for Kendyl and Keeley to bat. When Keeley’s bat made contact, the ball exploded into pink powder, revealing the sex of the new baby. It’s a girl!

Aldean previously told People that after Kerr Aldean gave birth to Memphis in December 2017, the couple decided to undergo IVF again for their second child so that she and Memphis could be close in age. The couple sought IVF after Kerr Aldean was diagnosed with endometriosis during the yearlong attempt to conceive.

“After having our son, we knew we wanted to have two kids,” Aldean said. “I have my two older daughters already, so after Memphis was born we knew we wanted to have another one pretty quick — to go ahead and knock it out and have one that was a little closer in age to him.”

He added, “I would much rather knock it out now while we’re used to having one in diapers and formula and all of that. I think it’s tougher when you get out of that and wait a couple years and then have to go redo it all. … We just wanted them to be close in age, and we figured we’re already in that mindset now, so why not?”

More: Brittany Kerr Aldean Opens Up About IVF Heartbreak & Considering Surrogacy

It’s super-sweet that Aldean and Kerr Aldean want their kids to grow up close in age — and we love that they involved the two older girls in the gender reveal so the whole family could be excited.

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