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Pink Stopped Her Concert Because of a Fan, & the Reason Is So Pure

Losing a parent is hard, and while nothing can take away the pain or make the grieving process easier, there are moments that give you hope that everything will be OK. There are moments that remind you that, even after the pain of loss, there can be beauty, happiness, love and joy. For one teenage girl, a devoted fan of Pink‘s who attended her concert in Brisbane, Australia, earlier this week, that moment came when the singer stopped her concert to comfort her. 

More: Pink Got a Sweet Visit From These 2 Celebs on Her First Night Back on Tour

According to CBS News, Leah Murphy went to Pink’s concert on Monday with her aunt, Katrina Donkin. However, Murphy wasn’t supposed to be there with her aunt; she was supposed to be there with her mom, Debbie, who bought the tickets for herself and Murphy and was a “huge fan of the singer.” In fact, Donkin told CBS News that Debbie “used to dance around with Leah in the loungeroom to Pink’s music turned up loud,” going on to recall that “Debbie loved to dance more than anything.”

Unfortunately, Debbie never made it to the show; she died in June 2018. But Donkin knew how much this performance meant to Murphy, so she took the young girl, and the pair went armed with homemade signs that read, “My name is Leah — I’m 14 years old. I lost my beautiful Mum last month. I would LOVE a hug… Please!” 

And, amazingly, she got exactly that. After waving her sign wildly, and getting some help from the crowd, Murphy’s message made it to Pink, who jumped off the stage and took a moment to hug and connect with Murphy.

Donkin later told ABC News in Australia that the singer held the grieving girl for what “felt like 20 seconds.” Pink then reportedly told Murphy that “it’s going to be alright” before signing her arm and snapping a selfie. 

More: The Scary Reason Pink Was Hospitalized & Canceled a Show in Australia

As for Murphy, per Donkin’s comments, the teen hasn’t stopped smiling. “I haven’t seen her smile so much since. Her dad said he woke up feeling happy today, happier than he has been in a long time.” And that? Well, that is just priceless.

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