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Outlander Recap 7.9: Jamie & Claire Return Home, Run into Jamie’s Ex-Wife & Roger Gets Lost in Time

They’re back baby! Outlander, Jamie and Claire are back! And in Scotland no less. Correct, after so many years, Jamie and Claire Fraser have come home to Lallybroch! This episode brings back the nostalgia, the drama, the trauma, the sadness, the humor, and, of course, the love that has driven this show for 7 seasons now and 11 years of filming. Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan lead the return to Scotland as Claire and Jamie, and are joined by John Bell’s Young Ian, while Sophie Skelton’s Brianna is trapped in the future, and Richard Rankin’s Roger is flying around time, with no GPS.

It’s not a coincidence that Outlander and Wicked are premiering on the same day. Witches be everywhere, ammirite Claire? Insert Jamie Fraser’s confused one eyebrow up look here. But maybe this is the crossover even we’ve been waiting for, #Wicklander.

Get ready because we’re about to go over every single amazing Scotland beat that happened in this premiere, that made Droughtlander worth the wait. The very, very, very long wait! Here are some highlights, Claire and Jamie get flirty, someone punches Jamie, someone is very sick, the truth about Claire comes out, Roger is on a road trip of a lifetime, Brianna is sad in the future, and a separation that shouldn’t happen might very well happen.

Make sure you check out Balfe and Heughan facing off on set in Scotland in a little Outlander trivia. And here’s a little sneak peek at a surprise with Balfe, Heughan, Skelton, Rankin and Bell coming soon to SheKnows and TVLine with the cast.

Jamie, Claire and Ian return home

Ever wish you could go back to your first and favorite season of your comfort television show? Well, season 7b of Outlander takes you on a nostalgia ride with Jamie and Claire, the beating heart of Outlander, and breaks yours and theirs while doing so. It’s why we love this show. “Unfinished Business” kicks off with Jamie’s voice over in a letter to Brianna and he reveals they brought Simon Fraser (dead cousin guy) back to Scotland for a proper burial. I already feel like crying, Scotland finally. The magic of this show has always been Scotland. Never go back to America, Frasers. But you won’t listen. Jamie’s voice over is a nice call back to “The Reckoning” episode in season 1, probably bar none of the top 3 standout episodes of the series.

Jamie and Claire have come home again!

Jamie, Claire and Ian gallop on their horses down the driveway to Lallybroch. You are crying, I know you are. And right at the end of the credits a tombstone is shown and a kid comes over. Maybe Jem? No Outlander, do not kill anyone off. We are too fragile for this.

What time is it Roger?

Roger wakes up and thinks he’s dead! Now it’s his voice over. Lots of boy voice overs in this episode. I’m not mad. Wait a minute, Roger has grey in his beard, hello, did time travel age him?!

Buck seems to be having a heart attack. Roger tells Buck to buck up basically, and hands him some whisky. You can tell Roger is Claire and Jamie’s son-in-law, he time-traveled with a flask of whisky. Solid move Big Mac. Rogers worries if Buck dies, will he exist, will Jemmy exist? Great questions, better not to ask Rog.

Roger’s inner voice is fun. I feel like he and I could have some good chats about his life choices.  Buck and Roger decide to separate, not knowing which direction to go. And no GPS or maps. Like it would have been smart for one of the time-traveling Fraser-MacKenzies to draw a map…Claire, Brianna, Roger? No one thought, a map could be good? Claire’s off the hook since she brought penicillin. But Roger and Brianna.

Roger says Jemmy knows how to go to Lallybroch he could be anywhere and hopefully they’ll find him. Buck and Roger, I don’t think that’s smart. Roger you’re a librarian guy. Buck looks like he could kick ass if needed and hello you didn’t cure him with whisky, he might not be ok. Where’s Claire, they actually need Claire.

Brianna, Mandy and the stones

Brianna is crying at the stones. Like mother like daughter, honestly these stones bring too much pain. Roger and Buck are gone.

Hello, Lallybroch

Jenny opens the door and sees Ian and runs to him. The mother-son reunion that’s been in the making for how many years?! Okay new Jenny, not going to lie, didn’t know who she was at first, adjusts quickly, and now she is Jenny. Very interested to see how she and Claire get along. Remember when they first met she called Claire a trollop, then they were best sisters, and then Claire left for 20 years and Jenny got mad, real mad.

Claire and Jamie look on and Claire is tearing up. Balfe is Balfing again. Even in the scenes she’s not the focus of, she adds those supporting details. Jenny looks at Jamie and Claire and has a very angry face. Jamie is scared. I’m scared. You’re scared. We’re all scared. Then she runs at Jamie and hugs him, he is startled. Claire and Jenny hug. “Wee” Jamie and Michael, Jamie’s nephews, Ian’s brothers, coming running out and reunite with everyone.

Wee Jamie is not so wee and might have a slighting receding hairline, or ponytail that is incredibly pulled back, and if so, he should loosen that. How long have they been gone for?! 10 years? 5 years? Someone do the math. Ian asks about Michael’s wife, and he tells her she died of influenza two weeks ago. (That reminds me, must get my flu shot). Okay, that is the only death I will allow. Mainly because I didn’t know her.

Ian asks, “Where’s da?!” Yeah, where is Ian! Old Ian! OG Ian? Steve Cree-Ian! They cut to Ian coughing. Ian Sr. and Ian Jr. hug. Jamie, Claire and Jenny look at each other concerned. Ian is clearly sick. Outlander. Stop. If you take OG Ian away….

Jamie comes over and shakes Ian’s hand. Um hello, a hand shake, bro? Do you have a 9am meeting or is this your brother, man! Claire comes over and hugs Ian and maybe later she can review how to hug with James Fraser. Ian looks like a kid hugging Claire. Pure joy. One has to wonder how many takes it took Balfe and Cree to do this. These two notoriously made each other break in scenes according to Cree. See “stuffed cabbage.”

Claire switches right from sister-in-law to doctor mode and diagnoses Ian with consumption. Consumption actually agrees with Ian he looks younger!

The Laird and Lady of Lallybroch

Jamie and Claire are back in their room! Their room! Their Lallybroching room! Claire tells Jamie she’s so sorry. Ugh, Jamie looks sad. Ian is clearly dying. Claire says, “Home is where the heart is, it’s also the place where it can be broken.” Ugh, this season is going to break all of us, isn’t it. Claire reminds Jamie this was the room they first said “I love you” to each other. And Jamie says, “Some things dinna change.” Swoon. These two, at any age.

Family reunion

All of Ian’s nieces and nephews are asking Ian questions about Indians and his tattoos. If you look closely, Balfe looks like she might almost be breaking in the scene if only for a second. (This also might be what Heughan means when he says Balfe sometimes turns away from camera to laugh). But Claire’s laughter and amusement works perfectly.

Jenny comes in and yells, “Hush now, you talk the hind legs off a donkey!” at her granddaughter and then gets them all to leave Ian alone. This is the moment she fully inhabited Jenny. Maybe that’s why Balfe was laughing, Claire found that donkey line as amazing as we did. The kids all leave and Michael starts talking about the war and Paris, and Claire and Jamie look concerned.

Ian starts coughing, like really coughing. Claire gives him something to drink as she’s known to do. Ian asks to spend time alone with Young Ian. OG Ian is the best, he asks Ian about the child he lost. Ian tells his dad that Emily’s wee lad is his wee lad, but he hasn’t told anyone else. Ian Sr. tears up and says tell your mother. Young Ian says I will. Yeah, don’t keep secrets from Jenny. She has a temper. Ian tells his father he named the son Ian James. Crying.

Ian Sr. remind Ian that Laoghaire’s Joanie is still unwed. But Ian quickly says there’s another lass. Okay confession, at first I just heard Laoghaire and thought Ian was trying to set young Ian and Laoghaire up and my eyes popped out my head. But also, that would certainly shake things up. Bet Jenny wouldn’t be so into Laoghaire as her daughter in law! That could technically be Claire’s greatest revenge. Laughs in Claire.

Ian tells his father about Rachel, and says he loves her. But she doesn’t know. Big Ian says, “Did you ask her to wait for you?” “No but she has my dog,” Small Ian replies. “A dog does not a wife guarantee,” his da tells him. Peak comedy here boys. Ian is playing matchmaker and said go get the girl. Um he just got here. What. Outlander, don’t be sending them back to America just yet. That was like a really long boat ride. It’s worst than flying on Spirit Airways (but probably takes just as long).

Claire, Jamie, horses and apples

Claire is feeding the horses apples, and Jamie’s all, “Ugh, why are you making them eat apples like you make me.” And Claire says, “So the horse, like you, can keep its teeth.” Please, cut to Claire brushing the horse’s teeth with a giant toothbrush. Please.

Jamie tells Claire he needs to go see Laoghaire, but asks if she’ll kill him if he goes. Okay, these two are so flirty cute, the horses can even see it. (Remember that time they had sex in front of a horse). Claire jokes, “If you want to know who Laoghaire is sleeping with there are other ways to find out.” Jamie tells Claire he has unfinished business with a woman he married. Bro, you could have just called her Laoghaire, no need to remind Claire bear about that. That’s potential to poke the bear. But then again, it’s Laoghaire. And that makes Claire laugh. As if.

Claire tells Jamie to give Laoghaire her “very best regards” (true sarcasm at its best), and then she says, “If you do find out who’s she’s sleeping with and you don’t tell me, I will kill you…” These two are the cutest. Enjoy the hot second of flirting and levity, I’m sure it will be short-lived.

Jamie kisses Claire and heads to Laoghaire. I really wish Claire were going with him. That would be much more fun. For me.

Oh hello. Laoghaire.

Jamie trots in on his horse and meets Joey Boswell. And then Laoghaire says, “Jamie Fraser of Broch Turach.” Damn, straight! The one and only and not yours Laoghaire! If there were a definition of not happy to see each other, then Jamie and Laoghaire are it. Laoghaire says she only wants to hear about Marsali, so Jamie says that Marsali and Fergus are thriving. He tells her she has grandchildren who are healthy.

Jamie tells Laoghaire he’s come to say he’s sorry. She softens. Okay wait, why? She shot you! Sure, Marsali went to America and never came back, but Laoghaire tried to kill Claire, played head games with Brianna and almost killed you, Jamie. No need to say sorry! Best to say, “Bye.” Give us the Claire and Laoghaire reunion we deserve! You know Claire wouldn’t say sorry. She’d be kind of scrappy and it would be sublime.

Roger roaming around

Roger looks for Jemmy. He says he wishes he had listened to Buck about Rob Cameron. I wish you and Buck had listened to me and not separated. But none of us are winners here. Roger is doing a nature walk and really down on himself for losing Jemmy. Roger’s beard looks good to be honest. Time travel is really causing another Roger glow up. We’ll take it. Sad dad searches for son, but also looks low key attractive whilst doing so. Sorry, I will stop objectifying sad dad.

Jamie and Laoghaire

Jamie apologizes to Laoghaire for marrying her when his “heart was cold.” He says, “I had no right to offer you a dead thing.” Wow. The imagery. Then Laoghaire turns on Jamie in the way all of us expected, and says he’s only come to get out of paying for Joanie. Then Laoghaire calls Claire, “a Sassenach whore.” Rude and predictable. Jamie looks pissed. Yeah, don’t insult Claire to Jamie. Everyone knows this. Have we learned nothing, Leeeeeery. (I know that’s not how it’s spelled, but I want you to feel how I am saying it). Shout out to Nell Hudson who is simply perfect in this role. Her chemistry with Heughan and Balfe has been consistently strong and entertaining from the very beginning to now. One star for Laoghaire, and five stars for Hudson.

Laoghaire says when Jamie married Claire, except she calls her Sassenach whore again, never learns, Laoghaire felt like she died. Laoghaire needs therapy. Girl, you were 16, you’re like 45?! Meet Elsa, she has a song for you. “Let it go.”

Jamie asks Laoghaire who she was kissing when he took the beating for when she was 16. And she says, “You kissed me after that! But you were already in love with her, weren’t you?” Jamie replies, “Aye.” Yeah he was! Jamie and Claire, Laoghaire! It was never you. But seriously, you need therapy. Are there therapists in those times?

Jamie reiterates, “Aye, I was.” Well, if anyone remembers, when Jamie kissed Laoghaire, he locks eyes with Claire… and it’s pretty clear who he wants to be kissing. He even had a little smirk almost like he knew it would make her jealous, which it did. Go on and re-watch “In the Way Out,” from season 1. You’ll see. Watch it. For science and research, of course.

Hearing Jamie loved Claire is too much for the Big L. As in loser. Laoghaire throws a bucket at Jamie and then tries to hit him with a pitch fork! A pitch fork! She really is a lowkey, low-grade devil. The devil wears nada. Jamie grabs the fork, and Laoghaire slaps him. This is turning into a Real Ex-Wives of Lallybroch fight scene. Jamie grabs her hands and says, “Stop I’m sorry!” Omg, where is Claire, she would have this handled. Remember Dougal? Then Joey Boswell comes over and kicks Jamie and is about to plunge some pick axe thing into him but Jamie gets up and punches him out. This is all Laoghaire’s fault. Laoghaire tells Jamie that he never needed her. Yes. True. And?

This episode shows you can go home again and it’s bloody glorious! But where’s Claire. This would be 500 times funnier. Also, this show needs to stay in Scotland. Sorry, but Scotland is superior to America. There I said it. The Frasers spent enough time there. Period. Move the show back and keep them in Scotland.

Laoghaire runs to Joey and hugs him and calls him “mo chridhe” (my heart). And Jamie’s eyebrow raises and he’s like hmmmm. Go to Claire ASAP. You know who she’s sleeping with. Jamie grabs his tricorn hat and limps away.

Jamie & Claire

Claire and Jamie are in their bedroom and he’s drinking and mad. “You’re a good man, Jamie Fraser. Only you would apologize to a woman who shot you,” Claire says. That’s what I said! Sidebar: Claire’s hair is wild! And we’re here for it. Claire hair, don’t care. Jamie says, “I wanted to mend things.” “Somethings can’t be mended,” Claire replies, and then says she wants to tell Jenny and Ian the truth about her. Jamie is in shock. But Claire says she saved his and his men’s lives about Culloden and that Claire knows about France and it could save Michael’s life. Yes, tell them Claire. They should have told Jenny way back when Claire first returned.

Jamie is worried they won’t believe her and might toss her in a well. Or try to burn her like a witch? Can’t blame him, almost happened once. He asks Claire if she’s ever doubted he’s needed her. And she said, “I have no doubt. You’ve needed me urgently since the moment I met you and you haven’t gotten any more self-sufficient.” And then they kiss… Oh hey, there’s about to be some Lallybrockin… But off screen.

Claire tells Jamie’s family everything

Claire says, “10 years from now, there will be….” to Ian Jenny and Michael. Where’s not so wee Jamie? They all look like she’s bananas. Jenny asks, “How do you know this?” Jamie nods and Claire says, “I know this because I’m not from this time, I was born in 1918.” They all just stare at her but like I think Jenny and Ian know she’s telling the truth. Remember potatoes guys. She told you to plant them and they saved you. Claire Fraser, Potato Queen, Time-Traveler machine.

Roger arrives at Lallybroch in the past, is he going to run into Jamie and Claire?!? That would be wild. Michael says, “So you’re a faerie, a witch?!” (Ahh, my Wicklander crossover begins!) Young Ian says she’s an auld one, Jamie holds Claire’s hand and says, “There’s no real name for what she is, but Claire has knowledge of things come to pass.” Claire says, “I swear it’s the truth.”  A knock at the door! Then they cut to Roger knocking on the door, they are tricking us I can tell. Jamie says, “I’ll answer the door!” And leaves. Um hello, don’t leave Claire alone while your fam is in time-traveling shock.

Jamie opens the door, Roger is there. But Jamie is not! It’s Brian Fraser!!! Omg Jamie’s dad! What?! Roger is in the wrong time!! Roger tells Brian that his son has been taken.

Back in Jamie’s time, the person at the door is a tiny red head… my guess Joanie. Jamie invites her in but she wants to speak to him alone.

Back in Roger’s no idea what time, Brian gives him a drink (like father like son). Jenny comes in. Roger looks at her funny, which Brian mistakes for him liking her and is like, “My daughter likes Ian Murray, sorry boo.” Jenny gets embarrassed. Roger is like, “Whoa grandfather-in-law, I’m a married man.”

I love this episode so much. Time-traveling Scotland chaos, Jamie and truth-dropping, witty Claire. Laoghaire-punching Jamie. Unhinged. Yes, give me more.

What if Buck runs into his parents?!? Like anything can happen. Jamie and Joanie go walking… um again, James, Claire is all alone with her news. Walk fast, my man.

Joanie asks Jamie about her dowry, and he says, “Who you going to wed?” And she says, the big JC – Jesus Christ! Joanie wants to be a nun. And she wants Jamie to allow Laoghaire to keep Balriggins and allow her to marry. Is Ned alive? They need a lawyer. He seemed like he had another 20 years in him. Actually, no, he was like 85 last we saw him.

Claire & Jenny

Jenny tells Claire she always knew she was keeping a secret. Jenny says, “Will you cure Ian?” Claire says she can’t make the medicines necessary and it’s sadly too late. She tells Jenny she would have already done something if she could have. Does Jenny want her to time travel to get meds? That’s not how it works girlie.

Jenny says she thinks that Claire is holding a grudge about Laoghaire, so that’s why she might not help him. Claire is dumbfounded, so am I. Claire Bear doesn’t hold grudges. Jenny cries and begs Claire. “I’m not magic.” Claire says. We beg to differ. Claire says she doesn’t have the power to save a dying man, not even one she loves. Season 5, episode 9, a certain snake bite and Jamie beg to differ. Claire says she’d give her soul if she could save Ian. And Jenny spits, “God, maybe you have no soul.” Okay rude, Jennifer Janet Fraser Murray. Poor Claire. She finally tells Jenny the truth and then this.

Roger Lost in Time

Roger is sitting alone, wondering what year it is, he reveals that Jamie is 18 and at university in France. So this is just a few years, before Jamie and Claire met. Roger vows not to go back without Jemmy. Brian and Roger visit OG Ian’s father to see if they have seen Jemmy. Or Rob. Jenny comes galloping up and says Buck is ill.

Jamie is in the woods, hunting, and hears a scream. It’s Jenny. Jenny runs to Jamie and Jamie hugs her. Jamie reminds Jenny after their mother died, she took care of all of them. Jamie then gives the greatest brother “endure everlasting” speech. Jenny said she can’t go on without Ian. And Jamie’s speech tells her why she will. Jenny jokes “Don’t suppose I can hide in your cave?” They’re cute siblings. But Jenny please don’t grow a 5-foot-long beard like Jamie did after he lost Claire.

Jamie, Claire, Laoghaire and Joanie

The scene we’ve been waiting for. Claire and Laoghaire. Jamie says he wants to settle a legal matter and Laoghaire yells at Joanie about the nunnery! Mum don’t want you to be a nun! Sorry Joanie.

Laoghaire tells Joanie she will wed some dude. And Joanie’s all nope not going to do it. Jamie silences everyone by saying, “Can’t blame her for not wanting to marry, I haven’t set an example…” (Well, Claire and you have set a good example, but okay fine let’s stay on point. Not the time).

Jamie says he spoke to Ned Gowan. Omg, Ned Gowan is still alive! And Laoghaire says the exact same thing, “He’s still alive?!” Jamie says, he’s “toothless and wrinkled” but apparently still practicing law. He clearly didn’t eat enough apples. Jamie gives Laoghaire an amendment. Maybe Ned Gowan is the real witch, like is he 120? Laoghaire looks at it and says, “Why is SHE here?!” Listen Leeers, Claire replies with no bullsh-t, “Because, like it or not, I’m part of this family.” She’s the matriarch girly and you’re just Laoghaire. Jamie says Claire will be a witness to sign the contract. Claire loves signing old contracts. Her signature is floating all around history. Scotland, France, America. Forget John Hancock, Claire Fraser is what we shall call it from now on.

Jamie says Laoghaire and Joey will marry and everyone seems happy. Jamie gives Laoghaire two gold bullet balls, for Joanie. Aww, what a nice ex-husband who you weren’t really married to and tried to shoot. Claire is not getting to do enough in this episode. Just saying, she should get to drop more of her zingers. Keeping her quiet is an injustice. Of the greatest level.

Claire gets a letter from Lord John

Claire finishes bundling a stack of letters to Brianna. And Jamie makes a joke about getting her spectacles. Claire’s a doctor, she should know not to mess around with her eyes. Is she performing blurry surgeries. A letter arrives from Lord John, asking Claire to come to Philadelphia to perform a surgery on Lord John’s nephew. Claire says they can’t leave because they need to spend time with Ian. Jamie and Jenny tell her she should go. I do not like this plan. I don’t even know Lord John’s nephew. Sorry. Best of luck to him. Claire, stay.

Ian writes Rachel a letter. Jenny says, “What are you writing to her that you can’t tell her?” Ian says he won’t see her, he has to stay at Lallybroch. Jenny rips up the letter tells him to follow her. That’s a good Mom.

Jenny shows Ian to a tombstone, the one from the opening credits. It is for his daughter that died, Iseabail. If you haven’t cried yet, you’ll cry now. Jenny tells Ian to go see Rachel. He better, remember Arch Bug was roaming around.

Jamie and Claire say goodbye, again

Jenny says bye to Claire and apologizes to her. She says, “I don’t know what you are but I trust in your love for our family.”

Jamie and Claire kiss goodbye. He gives her apples for her trip. And then OG Ian comes out and hugs his son goodbye. And he hugs Claire. Ian looks like death. Like white as a ghost. He follows them out and watches them leave. Everyone is crying.

The Jamie and Claire goodbye was a bit underplayed. Hello, see season 1-7a for how bad it is when they are separated. They really acted like, “Kiss, kiss here’s an apple see you soon.” What is happening.

OG Ian looks at his son and Claire leaving. It’s reminiscent of when Claire was waiting for Jamie to come back to Lallybroch with Ian, but Jamie never came back.

Lallybroch rant: Claire and Jamie needed more time and episodes together at Lallybroch! Like they’ve only done 3 episodes total and then everything goes to shite! It’s rude. We need Lallypeace. And let’s face it, Jamie and Claire haven’t been back in that bedroom where they first declared they loved each other… and had countless memorable scenes (hi, drunk Jamie talking about elephants), we needed a few more of those types of scenes. And not 4 seasons apart.

Knock knock, who’s there, it’s Roger

Roger and Buck knock on a door and it’s Geilles! Oh crap. Roger thinks, “Oh, Christ.” (Roger’s inner voice and I are twins). Buck, that’s your real mom.

What a good second half premiere episode of the penultimate season. Why do I feel this half is going to be completely unhinged? Oh, because Maril Davis told us, and Balfe and Heughan have indicated the same. Bring on the pain and chaos. We’re ready. (We’re not).

Before you go, check out the all-time best ‘Outlander’ episodes you need to watch.

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