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Outlander Is About to Air a Shocking Book Scene & Caitríona Balfe Might Have Warned Us

Spoiler warning: The following contains spoilers from episode 7.10, “Brotherly Love” of Outlander, and teases plot points for episode 7.11, “A Hundredweight of Stones.”

Outlander is ramping up the drama in the second half of season 7. And this week’s new episode, “A Hundredweight of Stones,” will shock fans (especially non-book readers). Just when you think Jamie and Claire (Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe) have been through it all: Death, miscarriage, Claire going poof, disappearing in time, then a 200-year separation for 20 years (don’t try and check my math), imprisonment, finger surgery with no anesthesia, kidnapping, countless wars, horrific things that happened in the woods and prison that we don’t talk about, and of course now Jamie dying at sea. Which we like to call, death again. It’s a lot. A lot. But it’s gearing up to get a lot crazier. If that’s even possible. Outlander is about to deliver one of the most jaw-dropping book scenes on screen, and let’s just say Balfe kind of warned us. This will be an episode of television you will not want to miss. Not only for the shocking story twist, but because Balfe’s performance as a grieving widow will gut you.

Outlander is based on Diana Gabaldon’s nine-book series. The upcoming episode covers an event that occurs in Echo in the Bone, and will air Friday, December 6th at midnight. If there’s any episode you will want to stay up to watch when the clock strikes 12, it is this one. Few shows have the ability to shock 7 seasons in, but Outlander will get you. It even got all the actors.

Balfe told us a little about it at ATX Festival. “There’s a sequence of scenes that were really, really, challenging. I think my pit was trying to figure out how we were going to do it. And it was really tough. And it was also a tough time personally, it was not that long after my dad had passed. It was a very hard thing to get myself into the headspace for. It was a big struggle as to how we were going to do it. Lots of notes going back and forth. My peach was that, and this is a big thing to the writers and Vanessa (Coffey, Intimacy Coordinator on Outlander), but we figured out a way to do it. I think that’s the first time in my life, with work, and especially on this show, that was like I actually don’t know how I’m going to do this.”

David Berry, who plays Lord John, chatted with SheKnows recently and teased, “It is a lot. It required a lot of negotiation. A lot of discussion. And a lot of difficult discussions actually… I think the conflict for me as an actor was trying to understand how these two characters could come to this moment… The thing is there’s no words there.”

So, there you have it, both Berry and Balfe had a hard time wrapping their heads around the scenes. And so will you! Diana Gabaldon’s pen is about to wreak havoc, and you won’t want to miss it. Balfe delivers what can only described as her penultimate performance in portraying Claire, yet again, mourning an unbearable loss. And seeing her trying to crawl out from that desperate place of grief is riveting. Outlander managing to surprise even their own cast members this far into a show is a feat. And this episode will most definitely be something you’ll talk about for days to come.

The new episode of Outlander airs Friday, December 6 on Starz. And check back here for a special treat with the Outlander cast with SheKnows and TVLine coming soon.

Before you go, check out the all-time best ‘Outlander’ episodes you need to watch.

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