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5 Questions With Kaley Cuoco About The Big Bang Theory, a New Hosting Gig & What’s Next

As the end of the hit CBS series The Big Bang Theory rapidly approaches, it’s easy to wonder what the future holds for the show’s stars. Take Kaley Cuoco, for example. Cuoco has long been a fave of ours on TBBT and we’re still getting used to the fact that we’ll have to say goodbye to her when the show wraps for good in May. But luckily, thanks to Cuoco’s new partnership with Shell to inspire consumers to protect our environment by choosing low carbon transportation options and their new digital series The Great Travel Hack, it looks like we won’t have to say goodbye to her for good. Instead, this exciting new gig with The Great Travel Hack is just one of the many ways Cuoco is preparing for life after TBBT — and we were so excited to speak with her in an exclusive interview to find out more about it.

Keep reading to see what Cuoco has to say exclusively to SheKnows about The Great Travel Hack, what it was like as the host of a show and what she’ll miss most about playing Penny Hofstadter on Th Big Bang Theory. 

SheKnows: Tell us a little bit about how and why you got involved with Shell for this project.

Kaley Cuoco: Shell’sdoinggreatthingswith The Great Travel Hack,whichisa digitalserieson YouTube.It’sacompetitionserieswithagreatmessageandittakestwoteams. I’mtravelingfromL.A. toNewYorkonaroadtripandthewinneriswhoeverusestheleastamountofCO2 emissions.Soit’sbeenveryfascinatingtoseethedifferentmodesoftransportationthattheyhavebeenabletousetogetfrom Point A to PointB. Itstillisacompetitionshow atthesametime and it’sreallyfun.It’sfiveepisodes [that you can] watch [too]. It’sagreatmessageaswellasbeingfun.

SK: Can you tell us about your digital series, “The Great Travel Hack”? What was it like as the host of the show? Would you consider doing something like this in the future? 

KC: Itwasreallyfuntohostit.Ilovedseeingtheprogressionoftheteamsand wheretheywere. Wewouldcheckinwiththemintermittentlyandwheretheyendedup and theirhighsandtheirlows.Imean,theyreallywentforitinthesetwoweeksandtheymadegreatdecisionsandtheywerereallycuteandentertaining.It wasawesome, andthenitwasgreattocrownawinner.Itwasjustafunexperience. Ithinkeveryonelovestotravelandit’simportantthatwe’reopentonewcleanerwaystogetthere.[Protecting the environment] isanimportanttopicthatIknowthatisaveryserioustopic,butIlovehowthishaskindofshowninalight-hearted,fun,easywaytomakealittlechange.

SK: This digital series is one of the first project post-The Big Bang Theory we’re hearing about, but what else is next for you? More projects? Lots of rest?

KC: Iwouldabsolutelydoaprojectlikethisinthefuture.Ittakesalotformetostampmynameonsomethingandfullysupportit andwhenIdo,Igoalltheway. Ithoughtthiswouldbeareally goodmatchformeforsure.Ilaunchedmyfirst productioncompanyayearagocalled Yes,Norman Productions (namedaftermydog) andIoptionedmyfirstbookcalled The Flight Attendant,whichisonAmazon.YoucanbuyitnowandI’mgoingtobestarringinitandproducingit.So, I’mreallyexcited.It’sthefirsttimeIhaveaprojectthatI’mreallyinvolvedwithfromthebeginningtotheend,soit’salittlenerve-wracking,butI’mexcitedforthisnewadventure.

SK: Speaking of TBBT, were there any special ways you said goodbye to your TBBT team (like that awesome flash mob dance you and the crew performed in February) or final things you did with them before wrapping?

KC:Theflashmobwasabigonethatwasreallyimportanttousasacastandacrew; itreallybroughtusalltogether.Imean,everysinglepersongotinvolvedonalittlemoreofanintimate,personal level.Thefivewomenthatareveryclosetomeontheset are on mywardrobe, hairandmakeup [teams]. [For] mywardrobegirls, Igavethem… weallhavelittlediamondtwelvesthatIgiftedthemduringtheholidays,soweallwearthemaround. Thatwaskindoflikealittlespecialmemento.Wecanalwaysrememberourtime together.

SK: And last but not least, we’d love to know what you’ll miss most about playing Penny on TBBT.

KC:Youknow,she’siconic.She’sthebestcharacterI’veeverplayed. Shehaseverysinglequality.She’sfunny, she’s [silly and] I’msill, she’ssarcastic. ShelovesLeonardandshelovestheseguysandshe’sarealgirl.Youknow,we’ve tackledalotofissuesthisyear.Herevennotwantingtohavekidsandherwantingtobeabusinesswoman.Idon’tthinkwe’veseenthatalot in television.Iwasreallyimpressedthattheywentthatpathandyeah,she’sareasonwhyI’mdoingeverything thatIdointhefuturewillbesentbackto Big Bang.

Watch the first episode of Shell’s The Great Hack here and make sure to catch Cuoco on to The Big Bang Theory every Thursday at 8/7c on CBS.

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