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Sophie Turner Just Threw Emilia Clarke Under the Bus in Game of Thrones Coffee Cup-Gate

Welp, it’ll still be a few weeks before we know who’ll win the Iron Throne — but another Game of Thrones mystery has potentially been solved. In case you somehow missed it, there was a huge brouhaha amongst fans last week when viewers spotted what appeared to be a modern-day coffee cup on a table in the clearly-not-modern Westeros. And Sophie Turner has a theory about which co-star is responsible for GoT’s coffee cup-gate. Interestingly, the guilty party just so happens to be an actor who plays a frenemy of Turner’s character, Sansa Stark.

Turner opened up about the caffeine-fueled scandal during an appearance of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Friday. Hilariously, Fallon had Turner’s brand-new husband, Joe Jonas, call in with a video question about the cup, joking, “I watch a lot of Game of Thrones, and I was wondering: you’re definitely responsible for that coffee cup, right?” Fallon pointed to a photo of Turner in costume with a similar cup in hand, at which point Turner decided to set the record straight.

“Alright, Detective Pikachu,” she quipped to Fallon, debunking his photo theory before pointing toward a co-star for the anachronism. “Let’s clear this up. That’s in a different scene, and also, we all have the same cups for all of our water and tea and everything, so I’m gonna just go with, I mean look who it’s placed in front of. Emilia Clarke. She’s the culprit.”

Damn, Sansa! She just came for Daenerys — who, for the record, HBO blamed when admitting the goof. “News from Winterfell. The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. #Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea,” the network teased in an Instagram post. As for Clarke, she seems to be sticking with her story that she had nothing to do with the scandalous cup. After learning that castmate Liam Cunningham also alluded to Clarke perhaps bringing coffee on set, Clarke told The Los Angeles Times with a laugh, “I don’t even drink Starbucks. I have no idea whose it was.”

Having said that, she did adorably passed the blame on to an unlikely suspect: Khal Drago. Well, sort of. On Thursday, Clarke posted an Instagram photo in which she is posing with Peter Dinklage (aka Tyrion Lannister) and Jason Mamoa — the man who played Daenerys’ ill-fated former husband Drago. “Did I just stumble upon the truth here?! The cup bearer does not drinketh the Starbucks tea… oh and this isn’t a spoiler just a lost wanderer coming home for a mid filming cuppa….”

Alas, all’s well that ends well in Winterfell.  HBO digitally erased the cup from video-on-demand services so that it can no longer be seen during streaming.

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