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Jason Momoa Dropping F-Bombs Over the Game of Thrones Finale Is All of Us

Warning: This article is dark and full of Game of Thrones spoilers.

Jason Momoa may have only starred on Game of Thrones for one season, but we can all agree that Khal Drogo has continued to live on in fans’ hearts — especially since he has remained close with the cast, not to mention a self-professed super-fan. So, not surprisingly, Momoa had thoughts about GoT’s series finale on Sunday, which he shared via live-feed on Instagram. And you know what? His reaction is a whole mood, and we are feeling all of it.

Momoa started off his live stream by giving a sweet shout-out to Emilia Clarke, aka Daenerys Targaryen, who played his wife in season one. “Khaleesi, I love you. Emilia, I love you. So sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he said before the finale started playing. When Clarke’s Dany embraced her dark side, she got Momoa’s full support. He was delighted by it, shouting, “Get ‘em! Kill them all.” After Dany tells Jon Snow a story about dreaming of the Iron Throne as a little girl, Momoa whispered, “Fuck. I love you.”

So, ya know, it wasn’t a stretch to expect he wouldn’t be too pumped about the fate that would befall Dany moments later.

When it’s clear to Jon Snow that he can’t change Dany’s mind about being a merciless leader, he embraces her before plunging a knife through her heart. Coincidentally, seeing the genuine sadness in Momoa’s eyes as he watch Drogon try to nudge Dany awake felt a lot like a knife through the heart to us.

But with Khal Drogo, er, Momoa’s sadness soon came anger. When Jon Snow gets pardoned, so to speak, and is sent back to the Night’s Watch, Momoa can’t believe it. “Let me get this straight. You’re going back to what the fuck you did in the first place and you killed Khaleesi… oh my god!” he lamented before summing up literally everyone’s thoughts after GoT‘s finale credits rolled. “I feel lost. I’m lost. What the fuck! Drogon should’ve melted his ass. Ugh! And the god damn bar is closed!”

Same, Momoa. Same.

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