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Why Drew Barrymore Never Bought Into Hollywood’s Pressure to Lose Weight

We should all take a page out of Drew Barrymore‘s book when it comes to body image. We mean, live your life how you want, but the Santa Clarita Diet star’s recent body comments are next-level inspirational. Drew Barrymore was never worried about her weight, as she told People, and she’s never really tried to confine to Hollywood’s harmful body image standards. For Barrymore, it’s all noise.

Barrymore told People that she has never been into the practices or ideals of body image in Hollywood. “Never have, never will,” she said. “I think it’s bullshit. (TBH, Barrymore’s thoughts are an entire mood.

She elaborated, “I’ve always been a big champion of embracing your own genetics, because I was never naturally that thin. My goal weight does not come easily to me — it is a total Sisyphus fight. I just knew that genetically it would take starving myself and 24 hours of working out to have that type of body, and that was just not my priority.”

Barrymore’s also talked about how she prefers to spend her time, rather than worrying about her weight: “I want to run companies and have children and enjoy food and wine.”

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Even the numbers don’t get into Barrymore’s head. She eschews focusing on what her actual weight is or what size  she’s wearing and to take a most holistic approach to her wellbeing.

“You do get to a point where you realize how important your health and wellness are,” Barrymore explains. “It’s a must. I want to be able to chase my kids around and be a full-time mom, and as a single mom, it’s double the workload sometimes. To maintain this at 44 years old I have to really take care of myself.”

Barrymore even shared her preferred method of exercise and again, it sounds totally ideal. “I love going to the clubs and dancing it off, but now that I’m a mom, that’s not my life, but I still have that person inside of me — she didn’t die! So if I get to go to a workout class and exercise the demons and dance it out to good music, oh my god that’s all I want,” she says, noting she loves dancing with her daughters, Olive, 6, and Frankie, 5, and going to hot yoga and Pilates too. Oh, and she’s busy being an actor and running her own brand, Flower.

If anyone knows how to do this whole thing called health and wellness, our money is on Barrymore for getting it right.

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