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7 Moments From the Big Little Lies Season 2 Finale That Prove We Need a Season 3

[Warning: This article contains spoiler-y info pertaining to Big Little Lies season two episode seven.]

It’s hard to believe, but Big Little Lies may have just aired its final episode ever. Yet, while show execs insist the series has come to its natural end, tonight’s Big Little Lies season two finale featured many moments that prove we need a season three (like, ASAP). It’s little wonder, right? With only seven season two episodes, how could the popular HBO series possibly give each character the full-circle send-off they deserve? However, the finale created an incredible springboard for a possible third installment.

Here are all of the moments from the BLL season two finale — and possible series finale — that illustrate why.

1. Renata’s Coffee Shop Run-In with Mary Louise

In the grand scheme of the finale, this seems like a minor moment. Renata stops into a Starbucks to order an Americano (and berate the barista for not knowing how to properly make one, naturally) when Mary Louise comes in. As Mary Louise is wont to do, she bates Renata into a fight by making snide comments. But the altercation gives us something we all need more of in our lives: Renata’s one-liners. After Mary Louise makes a dig about nannies that hits a nerve, Renata calls her a “judgy judger” (our new favorite insult) and screams, “Keep your eyes on your own f***ing paper, Mary Louise!”

2. The Courtroom Car Crash Revelation

Last week, Celeste asked the judge in her custody hearing case to allow her to cross-examine Mary Louise to determine her mother-in-law’s custodial fitness. So, this week, she slips back into the role of an attorney to grill Mary Louise. In that process, she uncovers the truth about Perry’s brother Raymond — he was killed in a car accident because Mary Louise lost her temper. Perry saw the whole thing, and Celeste even hints that Perry told her Mary Louise blamed him and abused him because of it. Because all of this was glossed over, there’s still a lot both Celeste and Mary Louise could unpack if given another season.

3. The Secret Video Evidence Bombshell

In what was arguably the most heartbreaking moment of the finale, Celeste plays for the courtroom a video her sons, Max and Josh, had recorded without her knowledge. In it, Perry is violently abusing Celeste. How much did the boys really see? And since we know that Max has already begun to show violent tendencies, how much of an effect will the boys’ exposure to such violence have on them long-term? It’s a gut-wrenching thought, yes, but worthy of further exploration.

4. Madeline and Ed’s Vow Renewal

Let’s be real: We were all a little worried about the fate of Madeline’s union with Ed when, after beating the hell out of a punching bag on the porch, he asks her to come speak to him about their marriage. Fears were not assuaged when he admits that they were “delusional” when they got married — young and dumb and all it entails. His surprising solution? “We need to renew our vows.” Because they both want and need a fresh start, they recommit to their marriage during an intimate beach ceremony with their daughters. So far, we’ve only known this couple as a hot mess. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a season in which they really have each other’s backs?

5. Bonnie and Nathan’s Breakup

In the days preceding her mother’s unexpected passing, Bonnie tells her the truth about… well, everything. And in doing so, she alludes to the fact that she settled for a man she didn’t really love due to the fact she was always seeking the love and approval she never got from her mom. So, after her mom dies, Bonnie squares up with Nathan. She isn’t in love with him. She probably never was. That’s that! But, oh my god, can you imagine how often Nathan would be knocking on Madeline and Ed’s door for advice and consolation in a third season?! Also, Bonnie is a gem who absolutely deserves more. She deserves to be given the chance to step into her full power.

6. One Final (Spectacular) Burst of Big Renata Energy

All praise the powers-that-be for giving us one final meaty Renata moment to sink our teeth into. When she comes home after what was undoubtedly an emotionally exhaustive day in court to find Gordon playing on his train set, Renata understandably flips the eff out. He ruined them. He bankrupted them. He screwed the nanny. All her stuff is gone. And he gets to keep his train set and all his other toys? Oh, hell no. Renata takes a baseball bat and goes to work. What does Renata without her Monterey beachside mansion or Gordon or any semblance of her former life look like, though? We need more episodes to find out.

7. Bonnie’s Big Little Act of Repentance

In the final few moments of the season two finale, Bonnie is obviously gearing up to go somewhere. She kisses her sleeping daughter. She places a feather and crystal in front of a picture of her late mother. Then she walks into the living room, where her dad and Nathan are waiting. Nathan offers to drive her where she is going, but Bonnie refuses. As her car comes to a stop, it becomes clear that she is turning herself in — turning her lie into her truth. The other ladies of the Monterey Five arrive, and they all walk into the police station together. There could be no more compelling case for a season three, could there?

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