Jennifer Garner starred in the latest episode of Momsplaining with Kristen Bell, the Ellen DeGeneres-produced web series, and well, these moms aren’t afraid to get down and dirty. Bell and Garner give motherhood advice to three new and expecting moms, tackling their biggest motherhood fears and challenges. Their advice is extremely honest and hilarious, you’ll be crying laughing with how relatable these women’s problems are.
On every episode of Momsplaining with KristenBell, The Good Place actress gets together with other moms to share stories, give advice, and laugh. The moms in this episode are nervous about different problems: giving birth, feeling like yourself again after giving birth and managing two tantrum-prone preschoolers.
They dive right in with going into labor, which Garner describes as “the most romantic day you’ll ever experience.” Bell chimes in by saying “it’s going to look like a homicide,” which gets a lot of laughs. Bell then gets faux-serious for a minute, pulling out a birth plan: “Put a lot of thought into it, take a deep breath, and then just—” She shreds it. “It’s never going to happen like that, so get rid of it.”
Bell says that when she had her first kid, she rushed to the hospital thinking her water had broken — when actually, she’d just peed her pants. She leads the ladies in a spirited game of “Did My Water Break…or Did I Pee My Pants?” After having the (blushing) waiter make a pitcher full of water-filled condoms, the women “race” down the restaurant aisles with the water balloons held between their legs. Curious who wins? Tune in below.
As we come to realize, when it comes to being a mom, no one has all the answers — but getting a chance to laugh and commiserate always helps!
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