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The View Host Abby Huntsman is Excited About Her Father Running for Governor

It’s an exciting day for the Huntsman family! The View‘s Abby Huntsman’s father is running for governor in Utah, the co-host announced Thursday. Jon Huntsman Jr. previously served as Governor of Utah from 2005-2009 and was a Republican presidential candidate in 2012. Huntsman has been sharing her excitement about her father’s run on social media, praising his vision and his goals.

Huntsman first brought up the news prompted by fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg. After making a comment about “other Republicans who actually remember what this country is and stands for,” Goldberg segues into Huntsman Jr.’s run: “Your dad: Tell everybody the news please.”

“This is something I can be excited about in politics,” Huntsman quips. “My dad announced this morning he’s running for governor in Utah.” She paused as the audience cheered.

“You’ve met my dad before, he’s an old school Republican,” Huntsman continues. “And he’s just about, ‘let’s just make people’s lives better, let’s do what the party used to do.’ And I think — as the GOP is going to be forced to rebuild itself after this period in time — I hope that he’s going to be one of those leading voices getting us to a better place. Because he’s not about making the headlines…he’s like, ‘let’s just make people’s lives a little bit better so they get up in the morning and they feel like they’re happy to be alive.’ It’s not that hard!”

Huntsman also posted on social media in support of her dad, sharing a tweet from his Huntsman for Governor account and commenting, “It’s official!! Let’s do this Utah.”

On Instagram, Huntsman shared her father’s campaign video, quoting a line as her caption: “It’s a really exciting time, and it’s a really exciting moment.”

Most recently, Huntsman Jr. served as the Ambassador of the United States to Russia from 2017 to 2019. If he wins the November 2020 election, he’ll be serving his third term as Governor of Utah.

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