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Amy Schumer’s Ex-Boyfriend Just Revealed He (Currently) Lives With Her & Her Husband

Some people find it hard to simply be in the same room as their ex. Meanwhile, Amy Schumer‘s former boyfriend lives with her — yes, in the same house she shares with her husband, Chris Fischer, and their 8-month-old son Gene Attell. The revelation came courtesy of the ex himself, comedian Kyle Dunnigan, who opened up on The Howard Stern Show about the unique living arrangement.

On the subject of Schumer, Dunnigan admitted of their former romance, “We had a moment there.” However, he insisted it transpired “a while ago and it was brief.” That still didn’t make it any less surprising when he casually informed Stern that he’s currently sharing the same roof as Schumer. “I’ve been there for a month and a half,” he said, explaining that he initially moved in because he was working on Schumer’s new Hulu show, Love, Beth.

“She’s been very cool,” Dunnigan said of his ex, joking. “All the food is really good and free. I’m supposed to leave in three weeks, but I don’t think I’m gonna.” He also suggested that no one would judge him too harshly for lingering if they were in his shoes. “[Her apartment] is beautiful. If you saw it, you’d stay.”

Naturally a bit incredulous, Stern asked if Dunnigan did his best to stay out of the hair of Schumer’s husband. Lo and behold, though, Dunnigan says it’s pretty much the opposite. He and Fischer play chess together and “bro out.”

TBH, I’m a huge proponent of staying friends with your exes (as long as they were decent to you in the relationship). After all, just because you aren’t dating someone anymore doesn’t mean you don’t still like some of the things that drew you to them in the first place. If you can keep it platonic and still have fun hanging out, why not? Having said that, I can’t imagine how chill Schumer must be to make living in a house with her ex-boyfriend, husband, and baby boy — all while going through something as emotionally exhausting as IVF — not only work but seem easy.

When I returned from my freshman year of college, my high school boyfriend had moved in with my parents (a fact that convenient neglected to mention to their daughter attending a university 4,000 miles away). At that time, I was also in a serious relationship with my now-husband, who often slept over during that summer home. We somehow managed to survive three months of that but, don’t let Schumer’s harmonious home confuse you, it was award AF. Did I mention the room my parents put him in was right next to mine?!

So, kudos to those guys for clearing being much better at adulting than I am. Just hearing about Schumer’s living situation is giving me freshman year flashbacks.

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