With everything that happens in a single episode of The Bachelor, it can be easy to develop temporary amnesia about weeks past. That’s exactly what seems to have happened vis-à-vis Kelsey Weier, the contestant who gave us #ChampagneGate just two weeks ago. While I was ready to throw in the towel and call Kelsey the season villain right there, Alayah quickly came in to steal that thunder, and Kelsey earned a lot of audience empathy with her emotional one-on-one with Peter Weber. So, did I totally misjudge this sensitive, thoughtful contestant? Nope! A new clip from later in the season basically confirms what I thought all along: Kelsey is, at heart, a hot, hot mess — and she’s not nearly done delivering the drama on this show.
This Bachelor clip was obtained by E! News, and shows an interaction between contestants Tammy and Kelsey at a later stage in the process (i.e. more girls have been sent home, the contestants have now gone several months without internet access, and everyone’s getting just a little bit cranky). The clip shows Kelsey hysterically crying, and Tammy trying and failing to calm her down.
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“It’s only temporary. There’s an end at some point!” Tammy tells her, presumably talking about the process of being a Bachelor contestant. “No, there’s never an end,” Kelsey replies. Tammy gently tries to talk her down with logic: “No, he has to pick one at some point.”
Next, Tammy expresses her frustration to producers: “Kelsey is a hot mess. She’s been crying for weeks! I don’t think when my grandpa died I cried for that long. Kelsey would go home if Peter just saw how crazy she was right now.”
“Clearly this is too much for her, and I think Peter should know,” Tammy concludes. Clearly! Kelsey has more or less been weeping since she stepped foot in the Bachelor mansion, and I’ve honestly never seen anything like her champagne freak-out to Hannah Ann and Peter in the history of The Bachelor. Honestly, we’ve all been letting Kelsey off way too easy for the patently insane behavior she displayed in those early weeks, and I’m so glad that Tammy was able to confirm that for me.
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The moral of the story here? Even villains can have sane, sympathetic sides to them — that’s what makes them so layered and interesting, and such good return stars on spinoffs like Bachelor in Paradise. I’m looking forward to seeing lots more Kelsey drama on my TV in the coming weeks, but let’s not pretend she’s something she isn’t. Kelsey held an entire room of women hostage to her breakdown because she couldn’t work up the nerve to go talk to Peter. She accused every woman who spoke to him before her of backstabbing her on purpose, and she generally hasn’t shown herself to have the greatest grip on how to treat other people.
She’s a loose cannon, an emotional wreck, and great TV — don’t forget it.
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