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Anyone Surprised That Janet Jackson’s 3-Year-Old Son Is Basically a Musical Prodigy?

Janet Jackson may be a world-renowned pop star, but the only musician she’s interested in talking about is 3-year-old son Eissa. Proud mama Jackson revealed that her young son already plays multiple instruments and listens to classical music. It sounds like the Jacksons may dominate the next generation of music too!

On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy FallonJackson shared her son’s early inclination for music, which began at age 2.  “First he chose the violin and he loves classical music,” she said. “First day of school, he took the violin to school. Third day of school, he says, ‘Mama I want to take a cello to school.’ I said, ‘Baby, you don’t have a cello.’ He said, ‘Turn my violin into a cello. Please, mama.'”

They were in a rush, Jackson explained, so her assistant Teri “took a straw and taped it to the bottom of the violin,” much to Eissa’s delight. “He loved it, he was posing with it,” she said. “He took it to school.”

Jackson relented and got him a cello, enrolling him in classes: “‘He takes cello lessons, he loves his cello lessons,” she shared. And no, a violin and a cello are not the only instruments he owns — at the opening of her interview, Jackson also gestured toward Questlove and said: “Quest gave [Eissa] a beautiful set, drum kit — he loves it.”

So: violin, cello, drums, and Jackson also mentioned a harmonica — it sounds like Eissa has everything he needs to be a one-man-band. Given how quickly he’s picking things up, we’re expecting an album out by age 6 at the absolute latest — but while we wait for that, Jackson also revealed she has a new album of her ownBlack Diamond. 

“It’s the toughest of the stones, of the diamonds, to cut,” Jackson explained about the title. “In my recent years, I’ve come to realize that I’m incredibly strong…I just want to share some of my strengths and stories.”

The legendary singer also announced she’ll be going on tour again. Jackson’s 2020 Black Diamond World Tour kicks off in Miami in June. How cute would it be to see Eissa on stage playing a little violin? We’re hoping it happens.

Click here to see these celebrity kids all grown up. 

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