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Halle Berry Had to Shave Her 12-Year-Old Daughter’s Head After This Hair Brushing Mishap

If you haven’t survived at least one hair-related trauma, are you even in quarantine? With most of us on lockdown for the foreseeable future, when Halle Berry ran into a hair problem she just couldn’t fix with 12-year-old daughter Nahla, there was only one possible solution — breaking out the clippers. Berry shared her quarantine hair horror with Jimmy Fallon on videochat, and even the TV host couldn’t believe this styling story gone wrong.

The story starts on a positive note — to get in their daily exercise, Halle and her two kids, daughter Nahla and son Maceo, have been swimming daily. So far, so good, except when it comes to your hair. Berry tried to run a comb through Nahla’s hair after they got out of the pool, but Nahla pushed back.

“Every time I go to comb her hair, she’s like, ‘No, don’t touch me. I can handle it. I’m a tween. I don’t need you to brush my hair,'” Berry explained. “So, I’m like, ‘Cool. I won’t touch your hair.'”

It wasn’t until days later that Nahla confessed her mom’s help might have come in handy.

“We’re doing homework the other night and she goes, ‘Mom, I’m scared to tell you this, but, like, touch the back of my head,'” the actress continued. “All her hair, which is, like, past her shoulders, has shrunken up into a tight ball that feels like matted fur. I can’t even get my finger in it.”

Despite Berry’s valiant attempts, the knot was not coming loose: “I’m pulling, and she’s screaming…I’m trying to stay calm. Like, ‘OK, this is cool. Let’s just go in the shower, put some conditioner on it. This is going to be cool.'”

Spoiler alert: it was not cool. “I had to shave it off,” Berry concluded, adding that Nahla was very much not cool with this development.

So, word to the wise to all you lucky ducks quarantined with swimming pools — make sure you tend to your kiddos’ tangles sooner rather than later. We have a feeling Nahla will grow up to be a vigilant hair brusher after all this.

Before you go, check out all the celebrities doing at-home haircuts and dye jobs in quarantine. 

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