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Jimmy Fallon Wants to Feature Your #QuarantineABook on the The Tonight Show

Amid the severity of COVID-19 comes funny memes of working moms day-drinking, kids crashing their parents’ interviews, and now a Twitter hashtag we should have seen coming. Jimmy Fallon asked his viewers on Monday to #QuarantineaBook — the best picks might be publicized on his show. “It’s time for Tonight Show: At Home Edition Hashtags! Change the title of a book to make it fit with quarantining, and tag it with #QuarantineABook. Could be on the show!” he tweeted. 

The home edition hashtag quickly started trending on Twitter because while people acknowledge that others are dying, the Internet is still well and alive. People took to Twitter to share their favorite coronavirus edition book titles. Some people got so creative that it seems like time (and books) before the pandemic was all a dream. As someone accurately pointed out, B.C now means “before corona.”

Some of our favorite book titles include, “Oh the Places You Won’t Go,” “Eat, Pray, Then Eat Again,” “Sisterhood Of The Stay At Home Pants.” This is probably not what authors imagined for their bestselling books, but we’re hoping COVID-19 edition movies will be in the works. Although, they probably won’t make any money in the box office. Still, it just goes to show how drastically our thinking has changed. We already knew our society won’t be the same again, but thanks to Fallon and his followers, our books won’t be the same either.

If you’re looking for other interesting titles, we suggest you read about these celebrity couple nicknames

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