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Chrissy Teigen Is Sorry for Making Alison Roman Apologize

Twitter may not be finished with it yet, but Chrissy Teigen and Alison Roman are putting their “feud” to rest. In fact, Teigen came out of her self-imposed Twitter hiatus to respond to the food writer’s apology — and share a few supportive words of wisdom in the process. As Teigen points out, we should let the entire brouhaha serve as a lesson that we all do “dumb shit” sometimes. But, more importantly, we can all learn from it.

ICYMI, an interview Roman did with The New Consumer went live last week, revealing that she’d made some pretty disparaging remarks about Teigen as well as minimalism guru Marie Kondo. This led Teigen to defend herself on Twitter, explaining that she has worked hard to build her brand authentically. A bit of Twitter tête-à-tête took place, ultimately ending in Teigen deciding to take a break from the social media platform due to the escalating response to the argument from the Twittersphere.

On Monday evening, though, Roman issued a second “formal” apology to both Teigen and Kondo. In it, she admitted her comments were “stupid, careless, and insensitive.” She also acknowledged that they came from a place of both insecurity and embedded privilege.

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And that was enough for Teigen to come out of her Twitter hiatus. Not only did she accept Roman’s apology, but she also empathized with the food writer. “Thank u for this, @alisoneroman. To be clear, it never once crossed my mind for u to apologize for what you genuinely thought!” Teigen tweeted. “The comments stung, but they moreso stung because they came from u! It wasn’t my usual news break of some random person hating everything about me!”

She went on to suggest the two are “alike in so many ways,” and that it took Teigen time as well to understand the added weight that comes with fame. “The more we grow, the more we get those wakeup calls. I often comment about how I wish I could get away with what I used to, now, but the truth is, I don’t. I’ve learned a fuckton from my years being watched (& read) and I can really say it makes you a better person! It makes u think about the impact of what we say/who it might hurt,” Teigen continued.

For Teigen, accepting Roman’s apology was also a matter of supporting other women. “I still think you are incredibly talented. And in an industry that doesn’t really lend itself to supporting more than a handful of people at a time, I feel like all we have are each other!” she said, adding, “And honestly, for the past few days, every time I saw a shallot I wanted to cry, but I do appreciate this and hopefully we can all be better and learn from the dumb shit we have all said and done.”

That, ladies and gents, is how you both issue and respond to an apology. It’s unfortunate the situation ever took place. It’s unfortunate that it had to play out on Twitter. But it’s heartening that the two women at the center of the controversy looked inward, had some hard conversations with themselves, and chose to come out on the other side as allies.

Of course, the real masterclass in the entire situation wasn’t even present in the Twitter dialogue. As Teigen put it, “If anyone needs a lesson on how less is more, please look at the amazing Marie Kondo, who so very wisely didn’t say shit through any of this.”

Before you go, go inside Teigen and husband John Legend’s $5.1 million West Hollywood home

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