Talk about an awkward family dinner. It’s long been known that Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, doesn’t have a united front when it comes to politics in her family. But previously, the only vocal dissenter had been her husband George, a D.C. attorney who’s made it clear he’s no fan of this administration. Now, Kellyanne’s 15-year-old daughter Claudia is sharing her own views on the subject on the medium that teens know best: TikTok. Like all 15-year-olds seem to be these days, Claudia is smarter, more informed, and more confident than I ever remember being at that age, and she’s putting the platform afforded by the Conway name to good use. At 32,000 followers and climbing, Claudia is a rising anti-Trump TikTok star, with videos condemning this administration’s choices, supporting Black Lives Matter, and more.
Claudia makes her priorities clear from the start: “it’s a great day to arrest brett hankison, john mattingly, and myles cosgrove,” her TikTok bio reads, referencing the three (still unarrested!) cops who killed Breonna Taylor. And she comes down pretty harshly on Trump supporters across her page. “Why do people hate on Trump supporters.. like why can’t we just respect everyones opinions,” she writes on one video. “SIKE nah block me pls and then educate yourself.”
But while Claudia isn’t having it with Trump supporters online (who she says have been flooding her comments with threats as her popularity grows), she’s also not here for anyone attacking her mother. “Thank you so much for all the love on my videos,” she said in a recent post. “Please no hate to my mom or my dad, they’re both amazing people and I love them so, so much.”
It’s remarkable that Kellyanne, George, and Claudia have all managed to hold such passionate political views without clashing or banning the topic altogether. In some ways, to hear Claudia speaking so freely is an antidote to the fear many have felt during the Trump administration, as the media is questioned and derided as “fake news” and necessary public safety information fails to make its way to the right ears. Whatever fear we have of anti-Trump voices being silenced, there’s at least one 15-year-old with a big audience and an influential mom with no interest in shutting her down. In the fight to get America back on track, it’s nice to have an inside man.
Click here to see celebrity kids who are all grown up, then and now.
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