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Paulina Porizkova Embraces the ‘First Morning of 2023’ With a Beautiful Unfiltered Selfie

2023 is finally here — full of new opportunities, fresh starts, and the first unfiltered selfie of the year from Paulina Porizkova. The stunning model and author took to Instagram and shared a gorgeous, untouched photo of herself. Along with the snapshot, Porizkova revealed what she’ll miss about 2022, and what she’s looking forward to the most in 2023.

“First morning of 2023, unretouched [SIC], unfiltered and with a slight hangover from a wonderful night with my closest friends and son,” Porizkova began the caption to her post. “2022 began with me being immersed in writing my book and in my past,” she wrote. “It ended with the gratification of my book reaching you all, and your reactions to it. Sandwiched in between, there was a new life: travel, modeling work as an older woman, and making new friends wherever I went. A beautiful and perfect blend of the new and the old.”

While Porizkova clearly had a fulfilling 2022, she’s ready to embrace 2023 with open arms. “In 2023, my hopes are to be able to let go of the past,” she wrote. “To quit trying to live in it for comfort — even though it hurts and will keep hurting as long as I sit there. The unknown ahead is scary,” she continued. “So scary, that the pain of the past is preferable. This is what I want to conquer next. My fear of the unknown. To boldly go where I have never been before.”

Porizkova concluded her caption by writing, “Here is to a new year and the unknown. Here’s to embracing change. Getting wiser, getting older, getting bolder.” Porizkova has always shared a thoughtful message with practically every photo she posts on social media. Every snapshot has a meaning, and her first post of 2023 was the perfect way to usher in the new year.

Before you go, click here to see the celebrity women who spoke out about ageism in 2022.

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