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Pamela Anderson Reveals What It Was Like for Her Body to Become ‘Public Property’ After Sex Tape Was Released

Last year’s Hulu scripted series Pamela & Tommy was all about Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s sex-tape scandal told through a Hollywood lens. Now, the former Baywatch star has the opportunity to set the record straight in her upcoming Netflix documentary, Pamela, a love story, coming Jan. 31. 

The trailer sets the stage for what viewers can expect to see from her side of the story. “I blocked that stolen tape out of my life to survive,” she says in the clip. “Now that it’s all coming up again, I feel sick.” Instead of hiding for another decade and from another round of headlines, Anderson adds, “I wanna take control of the narrative for the first time.”

Another voice is also heard in the trailer explaining what happened when the sex tape reached the public domain in 1996, “I don’t think people consider her the owner of her own image. It’s Pamela Anderson. Public property.” That’s how the now 55-year-old star was treated by the media and her fans — and it was a traumatic experience for her. (And remember her ex-husband didn’t receive the same kind of treatment, so there was quite a bit of sexism at play.)

“Some men think, ‘Oh, she’s a Playboy thing or this sexual person,’ And they hate you for being something else,” she adds in the trailer. That sex tape with Lee was an act of love for them — two people who were sharing an intimate moment that was never meant for public consumption. Yet so many people tore down Anderson for even participating in the sex tape while Lee walked away unscathed. This time around, the Broadway star has decided to change the narrative decades later because she’s ready to be the hero of her “own life story.”

Before you go, click here to see all the celebrity women who have posed for Playboy.

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