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Mary-Louise Parker Opens Up About the Main Reason She Doesn’t Get Botox & We Totally Get It

Like most things in life, there’s no rulebook on how to age. Although some people may choose to do everything under the sun to look younger, like getting Botox, fillers and plastic surgery, others can be also totally justified in just letting the years show, the gray hairs shine through and the wrinkles get a little deeper. Weeds actress Mary-Louise Parker, for example, recently opened up about what exactly works for her, and we’re totally here for it.

In an interview withThe Guardian this week, Parker was asked if she believes in the same aging principles as Justine Bateman, a known anti-interventionist when it comes to beauty, and Parker’s newest coworker for their new narrative film, Face.

“How do you express stuff?” Parker asked, after leaning close to the Zoom camera. “I’m a theatre actress. As you can see by my forehead and my eyes, I like to be able to express myself. It’s like, if I can’t move my forehead, there’s so many things you can’t convey.”

Parker’s latest project, Face, is a film adaptation of Bateman’s book, called Face: One Square Foot of Skin, which is comprised of fictional vignettes around aging women’s faces.

Talking to SheKnows earlier this year, Bateman opened up about going against the grain of society to help others like her. “I don’t care if society as a whole changes on the subject or not,” she said. “I’m interested in passing on what worked for me to individuals; I’m interested in passing it on to any woman or man who’s currently criticizing themselves and disliking themselves right now because they think that if people think they look old. That’s my goal.”

“And if I look at it in that direction, I can say this: there are a lot more people rejecting the idea that their faces are broken than there were before my book came out, because of the number of DMs I’ve gotten from people who have said so,” Bateman continued.

Looks like these two women have found what works for them, and are not afraid to share it with the world. We’re loving the self-love!

Before you go, click here to see more moms who’ve opened up about their plastic surgery procedures. 

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