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JFK’s Lookalike Grandson Just Shared an Odd Rant on Instagram & It’s Getting a Surprising Reaction

Between Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s misinformation tirades and an ongoing discourse on the problems nepo babies bring to the world, no one could have predicted that another Kennedy offspring and the benefactor of generations of nepotism, Jack Schlossberg, would win the support of the internet over July 4 weekend.

Schlossberg, the 30-year-old son of JFK‘s only surviving child, Caroline Kennedy, took to his Instagram stories on July 3 to let rip on restaurants. Not one establishment in particular, just the entire concept of dining out. In the video, that was recorded by unseen camera person that many are speculating his mother, the current U.S. Ambassador to Australia, Schlossberg takes a break from hanging out on a beach to let the world know his thoughts on one of America’s favorite pastimes — eating out.

“We have to wait there to eat something that we don’t get to choose, really, what it is. We only have a couple of choices. And we don’t know what any of them will taste like, or what’s good,” he tells the camera. “We’ll go eat there and it’ll be covered in sugar, and we’re gonna sit there for most of the time and wait for some guy to come up and ask us some questions, and we’re gonna have to f–king talk to some guy about what we want to eat for food and put inside of our bodies.”

He continues: “We have to read something in order to get the food first. You have to read to get your food. Why?” When asked why he was suddenly overcome by a burst of anger towards restaurants instead of enjoying the peace and quiet of whatever New England beach he’s on, Schlossberg responds: “Because it ruins your whole life…not everyone likes dinner. Most people in the world don’t spend their life eating dinner.”

Schlossberg, an attorney and Harvard Law School graduate, typically lays low in comparison to other members of his family. So, releasing this now-viral rant into a social landscape that is growing increasingly weary of dynasty families like the Kennedys could have caused Schlossberg to fly too close to the sun. However, Twitter has been surprisingly kind, albeit somewhat sarcastic, to the young Kennedy. Somehow the Ivy League-educated member of one of America’s most historically influential families is being affectionately dubbed a “himbo.” Others are comparing Schlossberg to his grandfather, noting his passion and oratory skills. Let’s hope Schlossberg spent his holiday weekend relishing in the joys of dining in. We can’t what to hear what bizarre social cause he decides to champion next.

Before you go, click here to see photos of JFK and Jackie O.’s grown-up grandkids.

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