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Bobby Kennedy’s Sister Allegedly Confirmed His Affair With Marilyn Monroe in an Unearthed Letter to the Actress

A letter dating back to the 1960s allegedly confirms that Marilyn Monroe had an affair with Robert F. Kennedy, often referred to as Bobby Kennedy. Rumors about Monroe’s involvement with the Kennedy brothers has long been a topic of interest and debate with varying reports linking her to both Bobby and his older brother, John F. Kennedy. In 2016, the Daily Mail alleged that a letter from Jean Kennedy Smith, Bobby and John’s younger sister, had been unearthed and claimed it confirmed Monroe’s affair with at least one of the brothers.

“Understand that you and Bobby are the new item! We all think you should come with him when he comes back East!” Jean allegedly wrote to the Some Like It Hot star in a two-page letter that appeared in an auction along with some of Monroe’s other personal belongings back in 2016. “There’s always speculation about her relationship with the Kennedys and this speaks to the fact that there was in fact a relationship between Robert Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe,” said Martin Nolan, executive director of Julien’s Auctions, the company that handled the sale.

Though Monroe was most often linked to Bobby’s older brother during his presidency, her famous appearance at JFK’s 40th birthday party in 1962, where she sang “Happy Birthday,” did arise rumors about her and the other Kennedy. The Daily Mail claims Lou Harris, who served as a pollster during JFK’s presidential campaign and subsequent term, admitted to seeing Monroe pursue Bobby while his wife, Ethel, was present. “She literally pinned him against he wall, and she had him trapped,” alleges Harris. “Ethel got so disgusted. When she got him home, she said, ‘That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.'”

In 2012, a Monroe biographer, James Spada, appeared to agree with the claim that Bobby and Monroe’s affair began in the spring of 1962 — after the then-president had already been with the Hollywood star. “It was pretty clear that Marilyn had had sexual relations with both Bobby and Jack,” Spada told People. The outlet also reported that witnesses claimed to have heard a tape from the actress’s bugged home of Monroe, Bobby and actor Peter Lawford arguing on the night of Monroe’s death — which is speculated to have been a suicide. Other sources have alleged she made a confession about her desire to marry Bobby the night before her death.

Additionally, another Monroe biographer, Anthony Summers, detailed an alleged interview he conducted with the actress’ former live-in housekeeper, Eunice Murray, and claimed there was a “moment where [Murray] put her head in her hands and said words to the effect of, ‘Oh, why do I have to keep covering this up?’ I said, ‘Covering what up, Mrs. Murray?’ She said, ‘Well, of course Bobby Kennedy was there [on Aug. 4], and of course, there was an affair with Bobby Kennedy.'”

Before you go, click here to see photos of Marilyn Monroe’s too-short life.

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