Spoiler warning: This article contains spoilers for Outlander Season 7, Episode 7, “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers.”
In the penultimate episode of part one of Outlander Season 7, Jamie and Claire (Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe) say goodbye once again, as Jamie heads into an unknown war. The last scene of this episode will take your breath away. A lot happens. Jemmy is kidnapped. Roger and Brianna have the worst family reunion ever. Then they have the worst dinner guest ever. William loses his best friend. And we are left with one question, just four words. Is Jamie Fraser dead? Keep in mind how much foreshadowing there’s been about Jamie being dead or buried in Scotland. Jamie Fraser can’t be dead, can he?! Then again, he was dead in the very first episode of Outlander when he appeared as a ghost watching his wife, Claire Fraser. Except she didn’t know she was his wife. So many thoughts, so much Gabaldonning swirling around in our heads. Last episode saw Claire captured, Jamie and Claire reuniting, and this episode threatens to rip them apart. Seemingly forever?! Again. Claire Fraser, bring your man back to life. You’ve done it once, you can do it again. Actually, you’ve done it more than once, but who’s counting. We are. Do we like pain? Or is Outlander just that good, probably both. Here are the highlights of episode 7, “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers.”
Dear Bree… Love Mom
Jamie and Claire are with the Continental Army at Bermis Heights, New York and it’s September 1777. Claire writes to Bree to tell them they are outside of Saratoga since Jamie has accepted a new position as colonel for Daniel Morgan. She says, “Knowing what we know, you can imagine how I’m feeling. Optimism and unease.” Yes, that’s us every time we start a new Outlander episode. Also Claire casually drafting letters in the middle of a battlefield. Legends only, Dr. Fraser.
Claire tells Bree she met her brother William. That she’d been captured, but was safe now. “That’s when I met William. The sight of him made my heart bleed for you.”
Okay I’m going to be totally vapid, I don’t like war, I don’t like Jamie and Claire in wars, but they look very good for being in a war, that I will allow it. Like hot war chic. Who looks attractive in a war?! No one. But these two, just stop.
William Buckley MacKenzie
Back at the Broch de Lally, Roger screams for Bree interrupting her reading Claire’s letter. He brings in the man he punched last episode, William Buckley MacKenzie, and says, “This is the Nucklavee!” Dum dum da dum! And Buck says, “Your servant Madame.” He is also the one who had Roger hung in season 5. So I’m thinking he should have said, “Sorry, nice to meet you, won’t try and play hangman with your hubs again.”
Sinead O’Connor – “Sing Me a Song of a Lass that is Gone”
Hearing Sinead O’Connor’s rendition of the Outlander theme song hits differently with her passing on Wednesday, July 26. The Outlander theme song was one of the last professional songs that O’Connor released. The last scene in the credits as O’Connor takes one last breath to whisper, “Say could that lass be I…” is heartbreaking. It also shows a little boy getting a pin put on that says “The Tufty Club” – which is a reference Roger made in season 5 the fluffy tufty tail club.
Buck Buzzes Through Craigh Na Dun
Buck tells Brianna and Roger after the war at Alamance, he heard a buzzing sound and fell through the stones. Brianna and Roger are like, “We know that buzz.” He says he went to check out what it was while his wife Morag went to stay with the bairns. And boom, buzz, buzz, bye, bye, Bucky. Roger asks, “How did you come to Lallybroch?” Good question, Big Mac. Buck says he saw Roger come into a shop in Inverness and thought he might know what’s happening to him. Brianna isn’t buying it, “If you wanted answers, why were you lurking about?” Roger and Brianna look mad. Buck explains remorsefully, “You survived being hanged because of me.”
William, Hammond & the British Army
Simon Fraser gives a champagne toast and Willie and his friend, Hammond, who gave Claire the supplies, are listening. The soldiers chant “God Save the King,” and a message arrives. William and Hammie grab some champagne and food and split. Well, Hammie grabs the champers and Willie grabs an apple. Are we sure this isn’t Claire’s son? Peak Claire move. Exhibit A: Jamie and Claire’s apple cheese snack scene in episode 3.
They’re making us like William’s friend, which means he’s definitely going to die. William slices an apple in half with his sword. Then he gives it to his horse. Aww. He really is Jamie’s son. Must love horses.
William’s boss tells him General Fraser has given permission for William to act as his second, so he can skip the battling. Oh crap, this is just heading to a William and Jamie showdown. An attack is planned in 3 days. Yikes.
A Not So Happy Family Reunion
Brianna has made Buck a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Buck has the same reaction to it as Jamie has in season 5. It’s Peanut Buck and jelly time!
Buck says, “Jeremiah is my son’s name as well, where’s your wee lad and lassie?” Roger tells Buck to speed up his story. Buck brings up how Roger talked to his wife (dude let it go), and Roger is basically like, “Listen idiot, Morag is my 5 or 6 times grandma and you, dummy, are my GrandDa, and Jeremiah was named after your son.”
So Buck is all what the buck. Roger says, “We’re family.” But in a real mean way, and I like it. Eat it GrandDa Buck! Well, this is a real Bucking family reunion. Buck asks for a drink. As if he is in a position to ask for anything. But like Jamie and Claire, Roger and Brianna help people they should not. Brianna drinks whisky with Buck, because, hello, she’s Jamie and Claire’s daughter after all. The apple doesn’t fall from the barley.
Buck says to her, “You’re not Scottish.” Wrong Buck! Brianna says, “I am. Well, on my father’s side. His name is – his name was… James Fraser.” Oof. “Was.” Gut punch. Brianna. They’re still alive you can go back to them, gurl. Meanwhile, in the study Roger pulls out the family tree and finds Buck and Morag. Each of their death years are listed. He also pulls out the chest that the letters came in and puts in on his desk.
Buck asks Brianna if she can time travel, too. She says, “Yes,” and then Roger comes out and asks Buck, “What year did you come through?” “The year of our Lord, 1778,” Buck replies. Roger looks worried. Brianna hears Fiona and the kids outside. Wait, is Fiona their nanny now? Has she always just been Roger’s sidekick? Hmmm. #JusticeforFiona. Did Fiona ever have a crush on Roger? Is Fiona like Mary Poppins? I have so many Fiona questions, and like Jamie’s ghost, will I ever get the answers I need? Probably not. Jamie’s ghost, yes, Fi Fi Feefs, no.
But it’s not the kids. Brianna says, “It’s Rob Cameron.” Oh crap. Of course it is. Roger says, “Jesus Christ.” He explains to Brianna that he told him he could come for dinner. Roger yells, “Who doesn’t call first?!” Agree with Roger. Rude Rob. Doing an unannounced drop by in any century is bad manners. Thank you for coming to my Rob Talk. He is bad news, I repeat Rob Cameron is not good people. Now, Brianna and Roger have to deal with Rob and Buck. This can’t be good. Though I feel like now that Buck knows they’re family, he might slow his misogynistic roll and not try and hang anyone. Which is cool.
They tell Buck to hide. Buck puts his whisky glass down empty, which no doubt, annoying Rob will notice, and then Roger puts him in the priest hole. Brianna tosses in a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This family loves PB&J and I love that. Team PB and J Frasers forever.
Roger goes out to greet Rude Cameron, who has a bottle of wine and actually has the audacity to say, “Have I come at a bad time?” Yes, Robert. You have. They have a time traveler in a closet. Leave. Come back never. Leave the wine. Rob follows Roger in and see the whisky glasses and says, “You got started without me.” There’s something slimy about this guy. Roger, Bree and Rob cheers, “Slainte!” Cool, now leave, but no, Rob says, “I’d love to look at your father’s hymnals.” Excuse me? Do not take him to your study Roger!
But of course, he does. Why does Rob care about these hymnals so much? He invites himself over and wants to see hymnals? Rob then asks to copy them down. Really, Rob? Laying it on a little thick. How much shall we bet he steals a journal or something? Roger says, “Sure,” and no joke, leaves the study! Correct, he leaves stranger danger Rob alone in his study, which has all his time-traveling guide books! Remember when Roger invited Tom Christie to live on the Ridge?! And we all know how that turned out. Same sitch, different b*tch.
Guess what’s on the desk right behind Rob Cameron! The chest. With all the letters and the gold info. This is so bad, it’s not even funny. I blame Roger. Jemmy and Mandy arrive home, and Jemmy shows them his new pin, “The Tufty Club.”
Dinner with Rob who invited himself
Bree, Roger, Mandy, Jemmy and Rob are having a super joyous dinner. Everyone is yucking it up and laughing. Brianna insults Rob’s handwriting at work. Work jokes are the best jokes for no one, but the two people who work together. Meanwhile Buck is still in the priest hole. Rob starts talking about the tunnels, and Jemmy begs Brianna to take him there. Um no. Brianna says as much, “You know honey, tunnels are not best suited for children.” Uninvited dinner guest Rob says, “Well people might say the same thing about women, and they’d be wrong.” Is Rob flirting with Brianna? Brianna smiles. Mandy and Jemmy go out to watch TV in the caravan.
This episode has been almost 20 mins and very little Jamie and Claire. Hmmm.
Rob and Brianna are giggling about work, and Roger is clearing the table, and his reaction to their giggly work banter is priceless. Rob’s being awfully flirty with Brianna. Still don’t trust this fella. Remember he locked a woman in a tunnel on her first day. That is not a good man, Gov. (Gov is Rob’s pet name for Brianna).
It’s clear Roger and Brianna want Rob to leave, but this dude does not read signals well. Instead, he says he’d “love another wee dram.” No, Rob! They have a not so wee gram (or rather gramp) in the closet. Leave Rob! Roger’s face is the best yet again.
Jamie Gives Claire a “Spectacular” Gift
Back at Jamie and Claire’s camp, a spiffy looking Jamie with new fringe duds finds Claire and gives her a present. She guesses, “Geese or ducks?” These two sexy romantic beasts. Jamie says, “No, it’s a book.”
Claire starts to read and holds it far from her face. Jamie smiles and tells her she needs spectacles. Amazing Fraser. “Nonsense, I see perfectly well.” Continuing his reading glasses intervention, he says, “Read this, then,” and she’s like no it’s very small type. And printer Jamie replies, “It’s 12-point Caslan!” If it were 2004, Jamie would be all, “That’s 12-point Comic Sans, Claire!” But instead he says, “You need spectacles.” Aww, these two war grans are adorable. Claire says, “I hope you can see well enough to shoot straight.” Same Claire. Or how about you don’t shoot.
Jamie tells her he can shoot straight with his eyes closed, and then says the battle will be in 3 days. Claire looks deeply unhappy. Jamie then says the best line of the episode, “I don’t know if there’s a spectacle maker near here, but when we get back to Scotland, I will get you a tortoise shell for every day and gold rimmed ones for Sundays.” Please give us Jamie and Claire in matching Santa and Mrs. Claus spectacles at Lallybroch. We need it.
Then Claire jumps up and sits on Jamie’s lap and says, “Are you going to expect me to start reading the Bible with them?” Second best line. They’re super cute in this. Jamie says, “A wee prayer for me tonight wouldn’t hurt.” Ugh, that’s right, war. Claire looks at him and says, “You’ll come back to me, you always do, and if you don’t, I’ll come looking for you.” Okay, that’s the best line. And damn, that’s some foreshadowing. Then they kiss. Only Jamie and Claire would make out in the middle of a war camp. Very on brand Frasers.
Every time Jamie leaves for a war, they have some kissing. And every time, Jamie is almost hurt or someone dies. This is not a good sign.
Also, please note that each time Claire has historically had to go looking for Jamie, it’s been brutally bad. Season 1, Blackjack Randall, and Claire finding Jamie bloodied and beaten in Wentworth, twice. Their goodbye scene when Blackjack nailed Jamie’s hand to the table lives on as one of the saddest most brutal goodbyes they have had.
Over at the British camp, William begs Simon Fraser to allow him to stay at the battlefield to fight. Simon says fine. He’ll tell captain Richardson to find another messenger. William continues to love war. He smiles almost elated that he can do battle. I like William a lot, but man is he headed for a truth bomb.
Rob Cameron still hasn’t left
Brianna and Roger say bye to Rob who tells them he’s divorced and his ex-wife took their son back to France, because she had more money than he does. Brianna says, “It’s tough being separated from family,” thinking of her parents. Her dead parents, as the show likes to remind us every single second. Aw, she’s so sad. Okay, Brianna, get Buck out of the closet, and ask him if he ran into your parents, and figure out if they’re alive so you can go back. Easy, peasy, time-traveling Bree-zy.
Rob tells Brianna and Roger he’s taking his nephew Bobby to the movies and that Jemmy can join and spend the night at Bobby’s. They quickly agree. I don’t like this. Do not like. There is something off about Rob. They want us to think it’s because he’s lonely and misses his kid, but he’s too desperate and has no boundaries. And again, he locked Brianna in a dark tunnel. Sociopath behavior.
Roger and Brianna realize Buck is gone, because Roger didn’t lock the door. Roger you had one job! You’re so bad at crime stuff! Roger forgives people and trusts them too easily. Hi, Tom Christie. Where did Tom go, btw? That Bible-busting, Claire-loving weirdo grew on me, bring him back please and thank you. Just without the kissing Claire without consent.
Moving on, in the caravan, Buck is sitting with the kids chatting and it’s kind of cute, I’ll admit. Jemmy is explaining time travel. Roger and Bree rush in, and Jemmy says, “You found the nucklavee and you’re related!” Buck says, “Ay, cousins!” Mandy says, “He’s not that scary, Mummy.” Brianna can’t believe Buck already won Jemmy and Mandy over. And me. I’m a Buck fan.
Roger suggests they let him sleep in the house, Brianna doesn’t look happy but agrees. Roger asks if Brianna can take Buck to work the next day, since Roger will be at school, and then he’ll take him back to the stones. Brianna asks if he’s forgiven him. Roger says, “Yes, after I punched him a lot.” I support this form of therapy. Though violence is never great, Buck did have Roger hung. An eye for an eye, and punch for a hang.
Take Your Buck to Work Day
Brianna brings Buck to work and puts him in a hard hat. As one does. Buck tells her Morag and the children are gone. Brianna asks why he didn’t go back when he realized what happened. He says he was scared of the stones. Brianna says, “Even to save your family?” Then Buck gets defensive and Brianna says, “I want to know why you’re here!” Yes, Bree! She says, “Don’t you want to go back to your wife and Jeremiah?” He asks if she can help him do that. Brianna explains that the ring he’s wearing is missing a gemstone, and that he’ll need a gem to travel. I hope he doesn’t think that means he needs a Jem to travel. She tells him he needs to think of his family, and it should bring him to them. He doesn’t seem super excited to stone travel.
Rob comes over to them and Brianna introduces Buck. Rob extends his hand to shake Buck’s, but Buck just looks at it with disdain. Then Rob puts his hand on Brianna’s arm and says, “Is it ok if I pick Jem up at 5pm?” Buck’s eyes pop out seeing Rob touch Brianna, and he tells Brianna as much. Don’t hang Rob, Buck. But Brianna puts him in his place and tells him it’s called kindness and to try it. I think Buck might be wrong about that particular touch, but he’s not wrong about Rob.
Roger and the Box
Roger comes home and the chest is on his desk. He goes out to the caravan, and let me say he’s looking pretty dapper in his Professor kilt and shined shoes. Okay, this time period works for Roger. He shouldn’t go back in time. Brianna can and she’ll remarry, it’s fine. Her mom had two husbands, Bree can too.
Buck is sitting in the caravan looking at a model plane. He tells Roger his Jeremiah would love it. Roger says, “It’s Jem’s favorite, but you can take it back with you if he’s willing to part with it.” Buck then tells Roger that Rob Cameron is trouble. “He’s got a hot eye for your wife.” Roger laughs and says, “You think everyone has a hot eye.”
Roger tells him he found the family tree, and he saw the year of Buck’s death. Roger says it’s 1778, which they realize means he never makes it back to the past, or he does but dies going through the stones. Things aren’t looking good for unlucky Bucky.
Brianna tells Roger later she got the feeling he didn’t want to go back. Roger tells her that Buck thinks Rob Cameron has a hot eye for her. Then Brianna and Roger flirt about Rob Cameron. Weird pre-coital banter Macs, but if Rob Cameron floats your boats, go for it. Let’s just say the Lallybroch camper van begins Lallybrockin’, and let’s hope Jem and Mandy don’t come a knockin’. Because, if they saw their parents, insert Phoebe Friends gif screaming, “My eyes, my eyes!” To be honest this scene would have been funnier, if they mixed shots of Buck hearing them through the Lallybroch walls. More on that later.
Brianna’s bangs are back to wildin’ out. Like they look like they got zapped in the tunnel portal, and are time traveling off her head. But Brianna is in mourning so again, she gets a bangs pass.
Jamie & Claire Say Goodbye
Ian shoots an arrow at a British soldier, it seems the battle is getting closer. As Jamie sharpens his giant knife, Claire asks what’s going on, and he says they captured a British soldier and blah blah blah have to go to war. Jamie asks Claire if she’ll kiss him. She says, “Always,” and then kisses him. Jamie makes himself break from the kiss. In fact he pulls Claire’s hands away from him, and in one look Heughan flips to Jamie the warrior. Claire and Jamie take one last look at each other as Jamie leaves. She has tears in her eyes. She watches Jamie depart and is trying not to cry. Claire is afraid, and for the first time, she doesn’t really hide it. Jamie’s slow mo walking and freshly shaven. JAMMF is looking like fire. But, eek slow mo walks never end well.
Jamie and Claire’s war kisses are epic and are as signature as their head touches. And they deserved more than 25 seconds for these goodbye scenes.
First Battle of Saratoga, September 19, 1777
William gives an order to the British soldiers who are lined up with their guns. War is stupid. William and his bestie Hammond, chat about women, and William reveals he likes Rachel. Uh oh, cousin love triangle. Then he turns to his friend Hammie, and a gunshot goes off, and kills Hammond. Told you.
Elias from typhoid, Walter from amputation and war, and now Hammond from a single stray bullet. There’s one thing all of these situations have in common. Claire. They’re all FOCs. Friends of Claire. Don’t be friends with Claire Fraser, but also good luck not being friends with her. She will try and save your ass no matter what, even though she might be responsible for your death by her simple proximity. Then again, she’s saved Jamie multiple times, and Lord John – okay that’s two, and then all those patients. Statistically, she’s actually not as lethal as she seems. Tell that to the guy in season 3, who tripped trying to attack her and the drill she used to “save” him. She’s so funny when she saves her enemies, she’s like I will try and save you, but also I will drill into your brain with this crappy drill with no anesthesia. So if you live, you will wish you died. I worry for Denzell. He is a big Claire fan.
William is in shock and stays with his dead friend as the soldiers start moving and start getting shot around him. William pulls out his sword and runs into battle looking pretty angry. He kills multiple men and has blood splatter all over his face. Ew. War sucks Willie. Not a good look.
Craigh Na Dun
Roger wakes up in a start. He goes to his study and looks at the box, sees something sticking out of it. As he goes to open the box, Mandy screams, Brianna is consoling her. “Jemmy is gone!” Mandy cries. Roger says he’s at his friend’s house, but Mandy says no he’s not here. Eek. These two kids have powers. Mandy says touching her head, “He’s not here with me.” And Brianna says, “Their connection.” Whoa. Mandy tells them the stones were screaming, but not at her, at Jem. “That bad man took him,” she says. Shudders. I’m going to bet the bad man is not Buck. Brianna goes to call Bobby’s mom. And Roger runs out to find Buck. Buck says, “What’s all the racket?” Roger asks where Jem is. Buck says, “Isn’t he with Cameron?” Brianna runs in and says, “Rob has him there was no movie, no sleepover.” Shit. Rob saw what was in the chest, and remember in the letter Jamie said Jem knows where the gold is. This scene will send shivers up your spine.
Roger realizes Rob read the letters in the box. Roger and Buck jump in the car and a distressed Roger says, “He read my guide for time travel, and he pretended it was something I made up, but he knew!” We all knew Roger, except you and Brianna! Buck knew, I knew, we all knew. Buck asks who else can travel. Roger says my mother-in-law and Geilles Duncan. Isn’t that Buck’s mother or grandmother? Roger realizes he wrote that Geilles thinks she needs a blood sacrifice. Oh no is Rob going to murder Jem?! What a psycho. They run up to the stones and Buck finds Jemmy’s scarf in front of a stone. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Where did Jemmy go? Or rather when did Jemmy go?!
William instructs his men to dig deeper graves for all the dead soldiers. He helps them dig. Later the British soldiers celebrate with champagne, and William is all, “Um, we barely won that. Why are we celebrating?” It’s obvious that a switch has gone off in William. Hammond’s death unleashed something in him. Simon Fraser tells him he’s a different man now. Simon Fraser has real drunk uncle vibes with a mix of “I don’t give a sh*t.”
“I’ll come looking for you” -Claire Fraser to Jamie Fraser
In the final shot, the camera pans over many dead men, and ends with a reveal of Jamie. Seemingly, dead. What. Outlander. No. You give us only 5 mins of Jamie and Claire, have Jemmy kidnapped and Jamie dead or wounded?! There’s only one more episode left this season. And to be honest, this year! But Claire promised she’d find him. And if he’s dead, I trust in Claire to bring him back from the dead, she’s done it before.
Twitter fan @hailey_beaupre put this cliffhanger best. “Jamie Fraser is unconscious and bloody on a battlefield and now they want us to wait two weeks??? Nah. That’s cold blooded.” Tis, indeed. But it’s Outlander.
Overall, Outlander is at its foundation, a love story between Jamie and Claire. It’s obvious and rooted in every episode no doubt. But sometimes, the show feels the need to try and match or recreate their love story, or rather have other characters’ love stories try to mimic it, and that’s not needed. Let other couples define themselves in their own unique way, because if they go up against Claire and Jamie, there is no comparison, no winning, and no chance for success. Roger and Brianna don’t need to be like Jamie and Claire. They’re nerdy and endearing, and best when they’re themselves. Fergus and Marsali were a successful love story, and even Lizzie and Twusbands, because they were not being written as the next Jamie and Claire. Because there is no next Jamie and Claire. They are it. It’s them. Period. Full stop. Though secretly I’d love a Claire, Jamie and Jamie twin throuple, but you know who wouldn’t, Jamie, he’s still confused about Twizzie. And I can’t see him sharing Claire with anyone.
The stand out scenes this episode included Charles Vandervaart showing how many layers William has. And from what fans are saying, they love his character more in the show than they do in the books. That is due to Vandervaart and the show’s writers. William is a great new addition to the cast. As are Denzell and Rachel. Please do not Gabaldon them, aka kill them. I am attached now, and still mourning Adso even though Adso is alive. But shout out to Charles Vandervaart, Joey Phillips and Izzy Meikle-Small. Each of them has quickly been woven into this show in a quick, seamless, smart and endearing way. And with excellent chemistry with all cast members. Even Rollo the Dog. Who looks different this season. (New dog, who dis).
Although short, Jamie and Claire’s eye exam spectacles intervention was yet again an example of how well this show does in the small moments of a love story. Only Jamie and Claire could make an eye exam adorable and hot at the same time.
Quick note, this episode felt a little off balance. A lot of time was dedicated to Brianna and Roger. Way too many British army scenes. The Buck and Rob stuff was fine and entertaining. But the main couple on the show, Jamie and Claire, are saying goodbye before yet another battle where Jamie could die, and they get three short scenes?
Wish they spent a little more time on their goodbye, these two are codependent as everyone knows (even Balfe and Heughan say so), so it’s not really believable they’d just have a quick kiss. And be like, “Bye babe, see you later if you don’t come back leave bread crumbs, I’ll find you.” Like the Claire line is epic and powerful, give them more time to back that up with a longer scene. Rob Cameron gets more screen time than Jamie and Claire Fraser. Call Ned Gowan because Outlander, this is an injustice, and we are taking you to court. Chris Fulton as Rob Cameron is great, as is Dairmaid Murtagh’s Buck. Shout out to them both for quickly capturing the attention of the audience in less than 30 seconds.
As mentioned earlier, the funnier way to show that love scene would have been Buck hearing it through the walls. Similar to Mrs. Bug (RIP) hearing Claire and Jamie doing it upstairs, or Yi Tien Cho hearing it through the boat door in season 3. Even the ocean couldn’t mask the sounds Claire and Jamie made that night. They were the Loch Sex Monsters. Ask the turtles.
That being said, Season 7 continues to be strong, one of the best. The showrunners and writers have had to condense a lot of book content into 16 episodes, and season 7 has given so many great moments. The audience probably craves Jamie and Claire scenes even more than usual knowing there’s a limited amount left. And that is the ultimate compliment to this show. They’ve created two characters, thanks to Balfe and Heughan’s magic, Gabaldon’s books, and the writers’ scripts, that people crave, even when it’s just a simple conversation between Jamie and Claire talking about what could, with any other two, be mundane marriage banter. But with them, it’s simply riveting and captivating, and brings joy (and trauma, lolz).
Next week’s episode:
The Outlander mid-season finale will air in two weeks on August 11th. A devastated Claire rolls Jamie’s body over. The good news is, Jamie Fraser is a cat and he still has extra lives left. Also Claire Fraser is holding a sword like the legend she is. Something tells me she’s protecting her alive but extremely hurt husband. They should have done this promo with no music, just ambient noise and silence. And really freaked everyone out. Fans are looking forward to next week for three simple words: Bonnie wee swordsman. Hey Claire, hey gurl, how you doin’? If you can’t wait the two weeks to find out what that means, go read Diana Gabaldon’s books right now, you have time. You can also read all the season 7 recaps: Episode 7.1, Episode 7.2, Episode 7.3, Episode 7.4, Episode 7.5, and Episode 7.6. And be sure to watch our exclusive interviews with the Outlander cast about season 7: Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan, David Berry, John Bell, Executive Producer Maril Davis, and Sophie Skelton.
Before you go, check out the all-time best ‘Outlander’ episodes you need to watch.
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