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Florence Pugh Thinks Critics Need To Chill Out About Her Free-the-Nipple Choices on the Red Carpet

In 2022, Florence Pugh stepped out in a gorgeous fuchsia Valentino Gown that kicked off the free-the-nipple trend last summer. Countless actresses confidently followed suit with their own red-carpet fashions, but the 27-year-old actress faced an inordinate amount of criticism for her wardrobe choices. But now, she’s fighting back.

Pugh is proudly talking about her body and choosing not to hide “the cellulite on [her] thigh or the squidge in between [her] arm and [her] boob” in a frank interview with Jodie Turner-Smith for Elle UK. “I would much rather lay it all out,” she explained. “I think the scariest thing for me are the instances where people have been upset that I’ve shown ‘too much’ of myself.” She referenced the couture Valentino gown that “really wound people up” because her “nipples were on display through a piece of fabric.”

The Don’t Worry Darling star believes she knows why the critics were so loud with their opinions. “It’s the freedom that people are scared of; the fact I’m comfortable and happy,” Pugh added. “Keeping women down by commenting on their bodies has worked for a very long time. I think we’re in this swing now where lots of people are saying, ‘I don’t give a s**t.’” But Pugh wasn’t going to finish off her thoughts on that note, she had another poignant message to drill through her haters’ heads.

“Unfortunately, we’ve become so terrified of the human body that we can’t even look at my two little cute nipples behind fabric in a way that isn’t sexual,” she summed up. “We need to keep reminding everybody that there is more than one reason for women’s bodies [to exist].” Pugh ended with that mic drop that should silence anyone who wants to shame her body or anyone else’s.

Before you go, click here to see all of our favorite naked dresses of all time:

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