Old Hollywood had all the drama: affairs, passionate love, and of course, the fiery feuds. Back then, people didn’t exactly hide their feuds very well, and if you hated someone, everyone knew about it. However, one major A-list feud most people don’t know about was between Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield.
The two were often compared as sides of the same coin, since they were actors, both dubbed sex symbols, and were incredibly intelligent. They both seemed to have had it all, but The Kennedys in Hollywood author Lawrence J. Quirk claimed that Mansfield envied Monroe for one thing: her reported affair with former US President John F. Kennedy.
Quirk’s bombshell book The Kennedys in Hollywood claims that Mansfield was allegedly hellbent on stealing the spotlight from Monroe again, and set out to have her own affair. With the reported help of JFK’s brother-in-law, Peter Lawford, she wanted to have an affair of her own with Kennedy and stray away from “small-fry” lovers, per the Washington Post.
In 1960, Lawford reportedly gave Kennedy all the means of contact to get in touch with Mansfield, and allegedly, she and Kennedy did have sex (but she wasn’t exactly thrilled with how it was). Apparently, she complained about his bedroom skills, saying, “Okay, but couldn’t he at least be a little tender?”
And when Lawford told her to be more discreet about the relationship, but she said: “Everyone in Hollywood and Washington knows about it anyway, and I like it that way! And I’ll bet Marilyn’s p****d as all get out!”
And per the Washington Post, Marilyn was quite angry about it. Quirk said that from 1960 to 1962, they would bump into each other and always feuded.
“Marilyn was never cordial,” Jayne reportedly said. “She was seeing Jack, too, and she hated me for being her rival.”
Before you go, click here to see photos of Marilyn Monroe’s too-short life.
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