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Lori Loughlin Decided To Put Her College Admissions Scandal on Display in the Most Unexpected Way

There was probably a time during the college admissions scandal when Lori Loughlin thought her career was over for good. After serving two months in prison, along with paying her fines, and community service, the 59-year-old actress is announcing that she’s back in a big, but unexpected, way.

Loughlin is starring as a version of herself on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, and yes, she parodies her legal issues. In the sixth episode of Season 12, she’s struggling to get into any of Los Angeles’ elite country clubs, thanks to her involvement with mastermind Rick Singer and the FBI sting, Operation Varsity Blues. Larry David steps up to the rescue by offering to be her sponsor while delivering a very David line, according to The Hollywood Reporter, “You know I’m a champion of the underdog.”

The storyline offers a twist that viewers probably won’t expect after Loughlin is given her second chance, but we won’t spoil the rest of the story. The point is that the former Hallmark star is willing to make fun of herself and her recent experiences as a felon, and as the media outlet pointed out, “she’s also in on the joke.” Curb Your Enthusiasm‘s executive producer Jeff Schaffer explained how that got Loughlin to sign on for the episode, especially when the college admissions scandal could still be a sore spot for her. 

“This was an idea that we loved from a writer named Teddy Bressman. But it’s not going to be funny with some sort of thinly veiled surrogate. It only works if we get Lori,” Schaffer explained. “So we called her manager up, who loved it, and who then talked to Lori, and she said: ‘I’m in, I’m totally game.’ And she was. She was so great. Everything we threw at her; she was game to do. She makes the episode. I’m so glad she wanted to do it.”

Schaffer is rooting for Loughlin’s comeback after working with her on the hilarious episode. “It’s great to be able to laugh at yourself. It’s a great way to put the past behind you,” he added. “I hope it helps her career. She was great, and she should work.” Loughlin’s experience on the HBO set might be a head-turner for Felicity Huffman, who was also involved in the college admissions scandal and recently revealed that she’s “still processing” the consequences of her actions. 

“It’s been hard. Sort of like your old life died and you died with it,” Huffman told The Guardian. “I’m lucky enough to have a family and love and means, so I had a place to land.” She feels that Hollywood hasn’t forgotten her mistakes, though, and her formerly high-profile career has suffered. But what Huffman needs is someone like David to take a chance on her. It worked for Loughlin, who seems to officially be on the comeback trail.

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