In a time when flannel shirts, backward caps, and Air Jordans ruled the streets, the fashion runways were under the spell of a more controversial trend: heroin chic. The ’90s fashion scene was a mixed bag, with vibrant trends like slap bracelets and bucket hats on one end, and on the other, an unsettling emphasis on extreme thinness that defined the decade’s high fashion aesthetic. It was during this era that Molly Sims began her modeling career, stepping into a world where “too fat” was a label easily given, even to those who would be considered slender by today’s standards.
Heroin chic, characterized by its celebration of pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, and a waif-like physique, wasn’t just about clothing — it was about embodying an aesthetic that, for many, including Sims, was both unachievable and unhealthy.
Sims recalled the pressure to conform during an episode of the podcast Getting Grilled With Curtis Stone: “Having grown up in Kentucky where ‘all they did was cook,’ I began restricting my eating until I ‘got down to pretty skinny, to pretty thin,” the ’90s supermodel noted, per Daily Mail. The transition from her home life to the high stakes of fashion modeling was stark. Suddenly, food wasn’t just about nourishment or pleasure; it became a critical factor in her career success.
The 5’10” model faced criticism that was relentless and varied, from being “too fat, too big, too blonde, too dark.” Such feedback was not only damaging but also emblematic of the unrealistic expectations placed upon models at the time. Sims candidly shared, “It was definitely a stressful time, which I think, you know, in terms of like, food, it became very difficult.”
Her attempt to meet these expectations led Sims down a path of dietary restriction so severe, she describes it as akin to starving herself. Despite having the support of her parents, the challenge was monumental. “It went from that to basically, I wouldn’t say ‘starving myself,’ but pretty much,” she revealed.
The threat of being sent back home, combined with the industry’s blunt assertion that she would “never work” because she was “too fat,” pushed her to pare down her eating drastically. However, the cost of such discipline was high, impacting not just her physical health but her mental well-being too. “You become very, very disciplined,” she acknowledged, highlighting the intense pressure to maintain an unrealistic body image.
This isn’t the first time Sims has addressed the small box of what is considered acceptable in terms of beauty. During a chat on aging with SheKnowsback in 2018, Sims expressed a sentiment many can relate to about the strange feelings that come along with aging: “Listen, is it hard to age? It is. It’s hard. I think the biggest thing is I look back and wish I would have felt as good as I looked.” Her experience underscores a universal struggle within the modeling industry and beyond — the constant critique and the never-ending quest for acceptance in a world that often values appearance over well-being.
While the fashion world has definitely taken steps to be more inclusive, Sims’ story is a stark reminder of the long road still ahead in reshaping an industry’s values. It’s about moving away from a narrow beauty ideal to celebrating and supporting the well-being, diversity, and real health of real people, supermodel or otherwise, everywhere.
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