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Stephenie Meyer answers a Host of questions

(Continued from the previous page)

SheKnows: They’re so unpredictable — it had to be an explosive story element as a creator.

Stephenie Meyer: It’s really amazing to step back and think, ‘What would
I find surprising about humans?’ I’ve been human my whole life and kind of take it for granted (laughs). So, it was an interesting exploration. I had a good time in the story and that
is my measure — if I have a good time, I’m happy.

SheKnows: Did you set out to write a story for a slightly older audience?

Stephenie Meyer: Oh, no. I don’t think about that kind of thing at all. Actually I
don’t make that call. I send the story to my agent. She got this and said ‘I think this might be more adult.’ Whatever…the whole genre line is a pet peeve of mine anyway. I
don’t like that there are books in the YA section that people ignore and think that are for children — they are some of the most amazing books in the world of literature. In the last year,
the books that have changed my life have been YA novels. Sherman Alexie’s “(Absolutely) True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” Everyone should read that book — not just
kids. It’s a pet peeve, like I said.

SheKnows: For you to create for an audience that — I know you said you write regardless of
audience — but the fact that young people,  in the last 30 years or so, have not been big readers. Does it move you?

Stephenie Meyer: Yeah, it’s immensely… I don’t even know… it’s
so big. I don’t know what to say when a parent comes up to me and says, ‘My daughter was not reading, and now she is.’ Books were my whole life. That was my most favorite thing in
the whole world. The fact I can open that door up for somebody — if even for one person — is amazing. To hear that over and over again is kind of crazy.

When I was writing “Twilight,” it wasn’t on my mind at all. I really didn’t think of it. All my books have been the same with the creative process, such a joy. I don’t
need much beyond that, so this is extra icing. For people to be excited about my books, it really is the icing.

SheKnows: I’ve spoken to many mothers who share the books and are diving into “The Host” together with their children. That’s another rarity from the last 30
years that, as a mother, must resonate with you on another level.

Stephenie Meyer: That’s the other really cool thing about all of this. My dad and I —
through high school, that’s how we communicated. We shared books. He knew what I was reading. I knew what he was reading. That was what we would talk about. That was what kept us close,
through the difficult years where parents are the bad guys. I love that. I’ve had three generations, grandma, mom and daughter — all reading together. (laughs) It’s really cool.

‘Twilight’ time

SheKnows: As “Twilight” is being put on the screen, I know
you said you wrote “The Host” just for yourself, but in many
ways, it does also lend itself to the screen.

Stephenie Meyer: We’re looking into that. We’re just starting, the phone’s
ringing. I guess I need to discuss it. Visually, I think the caves are going to be awesome set. And the desert stuff, there are some awesome visual moments.

But the real problem is how on earth do you do Melanie/Wanderer? What — voice-overs, do you have her talk to herself? They have the same voice. I think first you need an Oscar-level actress,
secondly (laughs), you need someone with a really good idea of how to portray that visually.

SheKnows: Is it surreal for you that something so embedded in your imagination is now going to be on the screen for audiences to see?

Stephenie Meyer: Oh, yeah. I think the most surreal moment I had when I was on the set and it
was a cafeteria scene. So there were literally 250 extras — there were so many people. A giant room full of people, and all of them were there putting something together that I wrote in a quiet
moment of life. It was just…wow.

SheKnows: Did you have any say in the casting?

Stephenie Meyer: A little bit. Actually, one of the nice things about working with a smaller
company [Summit Entertainment], in my limited experience, is that they are much more open creatively. They are able to be flexible. That has allowed them to slot me in — even though they
weren’t obligated to — and I have a little say over script. I read it, made suggestions, and they took most of them. I have felt that I’ve had a chance to make it a little bit better
and that they appreciate my input. It has been an ideal experience — one that you’re told you’re not going to have. That is nice (laughs).

SheKnows: Well, that’s why I asked, many authors haven’t had that.

Stephenie Meyer: Well, the movie doesn’t come out until December — we’ll see, but
everything I’ve seen indicates it. The actors are so talented, I was surprised how good they are — and the director is a genius. It seems they really want to make the fans happy, and
I’m really looking forward to December. I think it’s going to be cool. 

ALSO SEE: Test yourself on this “Twilight” book series trivia!

This article is dedicated to rabid Stephenie Meyer fans CMP and KCR

More on Stephenie Meyer and her books:

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