Can’t these singers add?
Bryan Adams takes us a little too far back and Paul Simon runs out of film.7. ’65 Love Affair by Paul Davis
The song was outdated when it was a hit. There is no way that Paul Davis was singing about a late ’60s summer sojourn that included a little loving and a lot of rocking
when the song hit big in the early ‘80s.
Do the math, the singer was in elementary school…barely!
6. Summer of ‘69 (tie) by Bryan Adams
See number six for the relevance factor.
There is no way Bryan Adams was alive and playing in a rock band in 1969 when the 20-something singer was singing about it in 1983. The opposite of brilliant!
That was some summer if he did have the summer described in the song. “Jimmy quit, Jody got married, we should have known, we’d never get far,” Adams sings.
Jody got married at six? Congratulations, you are irrelevant with your 1969 talk!
6. Kodachrome by Paul Simon
The camera doesn’t even exist anymore, although it is a fabulous song. With digital cameras dotting the landscape, who even has a camera any more unless you are a photo aficionado.
Time has been unkind to Paul Simon and his “Kodachrome” hit’s lyrics. Singing about a specific camera will date your song within five years. You don’t see people singing songs about Andre Agassi
and his Canon Rebel.
5. She Bop by Cyndi Lauper
Cyndi Lauper’s tribute to female self-satisfaction was another that missed the mark as soon as it debuted. She doesn’t bop, nor has she ever, Cyndi. There are many names
that have been associated with that sort of activity, but even in 1984, no one was referring to that act as bopping. Usually, bopping involves a ‘he’ and a ‘she.’
Up next…the final four songs with irrelevant lyrics continues next with The Beatles…
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