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Top 10 irrelevant song lyrics of all time


Travis tells someone to make a call and fails to provide them with enough money, the Beatles find themselves in a country that doesn’t exist anymore and Sammy is barking up the wrong tree with his

4.Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)by Travis Tritt

Travis says it all in the title of his relevant lyric hit. Relevant when people used pay phones of a few years ago.

Besides Travis, even if we wanted to call someone utilizing spare change, pay phones cost 50 cents now.

We need another quarter!

3. Back in the USSR by The Beatles

No one was more
stunned than this writer when the Iron Curtain fell.

Besides a double major in journalism and a penchant for pop culture encyclopedia-like memory, what was this Soviet Union relations expert going to do?

Thanks goodness for the internet and entertainment news to answer my calling!

As the concrete of the Berlin Wall was reduced to rubble, it hit me: forget my future, what are John, Paul, George and Ringo going to do with their famous tribute to our Cold War enemy?

“Back in the USSR” arrived at a time when suddenly the American enemy thawed a bit because of the Fab Four’s passionate description of a fantastic holiday with the Cold War kings.

But when there is no USSR, ask a child reared on their iPod to explain what the ‘U,’ ‘S,’ ‘S,’ and ‘R’ stand for, and the blank stare will be deafening.

2. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Where to star? For one, the Watergate reference. “Watergate does not bother me, does your conscious bother you?”

Find one American that Watergate doesn’t bother today?

Breaking and entering ordered by the president. During the care-free days of the ’70s, that type of activity may have warranted a flip lyric from a rock band at their height of popularity, but
history has proven that Watergate is a bother.

“Sweet Home Alabama” is a terrific song, one of the best. But it is legions away from reality.

Here’s Skynyrd doing it with SheKnows great friend, Bo Bice.

The ultimate..the number one song that makes no sense today is…after the break!

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