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No Bull: Bull Durham sequel on the way!

What are Crash, Annie and Nuke up to twenty years after Bull Durham took the movie and sports world by storm? We’re about to find out!

The excitement over Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull proved that fans will clamor for the sequel of any quality movie, no matter how many years go by in between installments.

Director Ron Shelton is banking on that very fact.

The man behind the camera for 1988’s Bull Durham, typically hailed as the best sports movie of all-time, has confirmed that a sequel is in the works.

In a recent interview, Shelton said the idea of bringing characters such as Crash Davis, Annie Savoy and Nuke LaLoosh after such a long period of time seemed foolish at first; but then the two-decade long wait was actually what sold the director on the idea. “The fact that it’s 20 years later started to intrigue me,” Shelton said, adding that the sequel will focus on Laloosh, who has “sort of an unrealized career (in the major leagues) in which we saw glimpses of his greatness.”

As for Kevin Costner’s character of Crash?

He “is now managing Durham in Triple A, back with a [major-league] dream alive again.”

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