Carrie Underwood, the musical sensation and American Idol winner, has made it clear that she is thrilled with the prospect of a world absent of celebrity endorsements of political causes.
Well, Carrie, at least until next year.
“There is someone I do support, but I don’t support publicly,” she says to TV Guide.
“I lose all respect for celebrities when they back a candidate,” she said. “It’s saying that the American public isn’t smart enough to make their own decisions.”
Underwood went on to say that not one soul should ever taken into consideration what an entertainer says when it comes to the political climate or the world as a whole. Celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Scarlett Johansson and even Chuck Norris have been widely seen on the campaign trail in 2008.
“Whether it’s from politics or just the world around you, music should be an escape,” she says.
Underwood certainly seems to be the polar opposite of the sentiment in Hollywood this election cycle. Back when Obama clinched the Democratic nomination, SheKnows reported of a slew of entertainment types wearing Obama buttons and stumping for the candidate and future President-elect.
Underwood does have a point. Musicians are immensely talented at making music. Actors are deliciously good at performing characters and that is simply in Underwood’s world, how the world should exist.
So Carrie, as this is November 5, and the historic November 4 continues to fade in the rear view mirror, you too, can go back to making music – something that you do quite well.
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