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Nicole Kidman at UN for women’s rights

Nicole Kidman hopes to not only have Australia on people’s minds, but also the plight of women across the globe. Kidman was at the UN specifically to shine a light on global battered women and their urgent need for international attention.

The actress felt it was her duty considering the upbringing Kidman had as the daughter of a woman who was a women’s rights pioneer in Australia.

“The reason I chose the subject of women is because I was raised by a mother who was very passionate about having her daughters educated and wanted her daughters to have equal opportunities, and I’m a product of that. So now I’m out there hoping to pass on to the next generation and work in a greater capacity than just as an actress,” Kidman says to the UN body.

Kidman brought a petition with more than 5 million names to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

“We thought that the more names we collected, the stronger our case to make ending violence against women a top priority for governments everywhere,” Kidman says.

The Australia star says in her address that one in three women is reportedly abused at some point.

November 29, 2008

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