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10 Must-see romantic films

Last Chance Harvey is a triumph of movie romance with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson wielding their powerful acting presence. Here are 10 movies that if you like Last Chance Harvey, you’ll love.

Up Close and Personal

Get personal with Robert Redford and Michelle Pfieffer in the film that was an instant classic the day it arrived in theaters in 1996. Then, there’s that theme song by Celine Dion, Because You Loved Me,  that ranks as one of her best as well.

First Knight

Heath Ledger as an aspiring Renaissance-era knight in a film with a modern soundtrack. First Knight struck a chord with audiences globally in its ability to prove that love, regardless of musical score not matching the timeframe of the film, will triumph above all.

Across the Universe

When The Beatles provide the soundtrack that sets the stage for the story, the boys from Britain have a film like Last Chance Harvey that combines timeless hope with modern love.

Love and Basketball

Love and Basketball is not a sports movie. Despite its landscape of the basketball court, the ode to budding love transcends sports to mirror the journey of life itself.

Becoming Jane

Anne Hathaway broke out of her princess mode by portraying legendary British author Jane Austen. After England and the world embraced Hathaway’s performance of the author they adore, Hathaway has not looked back. Like Last Chance Harvey, audiences discovered another British Isles-set film that sways the heart.


Across the English Channel in France, Johnny Depp and Julia Ormand cooked up a Choclat flavored amorous treat that is as timeless as it is sweepingly romantic.

Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen strikes again. No one crafts nineteenth-century love stories like the woman from Bath, England. Austen and Emma Thompson combined for Oscar gold. Sense and Sensibility, mirroring Last Chance Harvey, paints a picture of a ‘Last Chance‘ at love. In Sense and Sensibility, double weddings have never been so moving.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Shakespeare provides the words and audiences have been falling in love with Love for over  four centuries.

Forever Young

Mel Gibson in his most romantic role shows real movie star charisma. Even the actor’s detractors have to admit that Forever Young is a film that will make even the most hardened melt at the feet of romance.


Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck were a couple briefly, but long enough to create this romantic treasure. In a classic ‘what would you do?’ manner of storytelling, Bounce explores the minefields of romance amongst tragedy as no film has dared explore since.

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